The NORTH network connection
meverett | 22.09.2002 15:53
The NORTH network connection
All of the doctors and hospitals named in the Arlene Berry Death Coverup were partners in the NORTH telehealth network, an experiment undertaken by the Harris government from a 1995 OMA study to compensate for hospital funding cutbacks, and doctor shortages. They all have a vested interest in protecting each other against the legal pitfalls of treating their patients at arm's length, over the telephone.
Dr. Barry McLellan was one of the original proponents of the NORTH project, leaving his position as medical director of the North network to become Regional Coroner for Northeastern Ontario. In fact, he was affiliated and closely tied to all of the doctors and hospitals named in THE ARLENE BERRY DEATH COVERUP, all of whom are still partners in the North telehealth network. As such, Dr. McLellan had a personal and vested interest in the Arlene Berry case as to affect his personal judgment. He allowed his professional duty to come into conflict with his personal interests. He had a duty to disclose such interest(s) and by failing to do so he acted illegally, in my opinion. Point: SERIOUS breach of standard which goes to impeaching the credibility of the coroner's investigation into the unnecessary death of Arlene Berry.
Further, Dr McLellan was Vice-President of Medical, Trauma and Clinical Services at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in Toronto, Ontario for 5 years. He was medical director of the NORTH network and had recently assumed the position of Regional Coroner for the Province of Ontario.
The coroner's response to a family request for a formal inquest into Arlene Berry's death elecited the following response not withstanding evidence of altered and falsified medical records, including a preponderance of evidence of medical wrongdoing:
"I want to stress that an inquest is not intended to be the vehicle by which someone is found to be responsible or accountable for a death".
"As a result of my investigation and having carefully reviewed all information available I do not feel...that a jury might make useful recommendations directed to the avoidance of similar circumstances".
"The venue to determine accountablity is either the criminal or civil courts".
"After careful consideration of all information available to me I have therefore made a decision to not hold an inquest into Ms. Berry;s death".
Further, Dr. McLellan had told the deceased's family that he had no dealings through his office with the College of Physicians & Surgeons. He lied, in fact he conducted what Dr. Jordan's legal counsel described as a "parallel investigation" with multiple communication between coroners' office and the College.
Dr. McLellan concluded that Arlene Berry's death was a death by natural causes, and that the doctors had met a reasonable standard of care.