AWIP appeal for involvment / comments
AWIP | 28.08.2002 07:52
AWIP is a really simple campaign to get people to sign a declaration (see below) basically saying that 'another world is possible'.
People and organisations who sign the declaration will also be asked to support the campaign in whatever way they can.
things you can do to help
1) comments on the wording of the declaration
2) suggestions for other organisations / individuals you think we should approach
3) forward the details to any other organisations / individuals you may be associated with
4) Come along to the next AWIP meeting (details TBC, send an email to
the declaration might look something like this:
I (the undersigned) believe that there is always an alternative. Nobody should have to put up with the way things are and the pre-packaged choices that are offered to us by politicians and big business who say that there is no alternative.
In short, We believe that -
Another world is possible!
with less : discrimination, conflict, poverty, waste, inequality, mediocrity, selfishness, shallowness, pollution, greed
and more : freedom, respect, integrity, equality, cooperation, commitment, sustainability, opportunity, communication
The Idea of this declaration is to start to bring together all those people who are thinking for themsleves and making informed choices in any area of their lives to influence all the big issues facing our world.