Missing Children & Anti-Terrorism
Terrorinfo | 19.08.2002 14:06
It appears the summer season is the season of the anti-terrorist crusade depending on the country you are living in. It is the time when citizen and state become one in a joint effort to fight the modern threats to civilisation: terrorism and paedophilia etc.
Thousands of man hours of time are given over in every news bulletin to reports regarding police activities in the hunt for the modern evils. Behind the scenes new 9/11 are prepared, new imperial invasions, new attacks on the working poor.
We are told we need a new FBI to coordinate police activities, we need new data gathering information, we need to be alert at all times to suspicious activities in general we are told to 'trust' the state so as to ensure that in the not too distant future when the same
state loots our jobs, our money, our pensions, our health we will feel safe in the knowledge that it has done all it can to ensure our ...well being.
Observing the tv in August is like watching a circus.