spartacus | 18.08.2002 15:31
Meta-Marxists + Meta-Anarchists of the 21st Century = Dynamical homogeneous meta-composition.
Democracy = Democtatorship
= Democratic economy = Capitalist modern slave economy.
Large scale, bureaucratic, totalitarian state = Ex.USSR.
Large scale, bourgeois, totalitarian state = Soon Ex.USSA
Predictable, uniform regimes = Free Capitalist Slave Market.
The prospective + Prescriptive cure formulae for Marxists and their Anarchic cousin.
Work, work and work in a labor community camp/ghetto, on the streets of wages and alienation – Capitalist-Slave Social Relationships.
To work with others – To slave with others in a community of slaves and master. The Slave/master neighborhood – The hoodlum.
Ecologically orientated production/consumption systems = Green capitalism.
Varieties of slave arrangements = capitalist democtatoric control of all basic and non- basic resources.
Anarchic meta-economy = Post-economy = Working for the benefit of all the people.
Total elimination of ownership = Total elimination of control = Anarcho-spiralization = Universal distribution of goods + facilities + material resources = total equality = material equity.
Voluntary association + participation = Ability of human creation.
1. Anarchic De-value = Core Thinking
2. Historical Understanding = Knowledge of Past, Present Successes and Pitfalls of Capitalist Economic Arrangements and Orders.
3. Anthro-understanding = Anti-dogmatic. Discovering the meta-economic relation that encompasses a society without community – A globe without a society – The encroachment of universal capitalism.
4. Current rebellious sustenance = Anti-organization = Bad trendy tendency.
5. Non-anarchists – capitalists = anarchists.
6. Non-anarchists + capitalists = capitalists.
7. Non-anarchist community = pseudo-community of passive consumers.
Standing in the dustbin of capitalism, the arena of disorganized community. Diverse disorganization of the community = disorganized groups = Chaos = the mobilization of people in the private sphere, eliminating money in every form or shape + no more exchange, no more slavery + sweat + bloodshed.
The graveyard of capitalism = burrowed time.
No preaching, no teaching quasi-anarchism + no pseudo-anarchism.
Social anarchism = individual anarchism = anti-organization + anti-organizers
Disorganize the ‘community’ and involve them in chaotic activities.
In position + out position of transposition = Meta-juxtaposition.
1. What is important = to me + others.
2. What is not important = to me without the others.
3. What is, or not important = others without me.
Bottom up = ground up tactic + strategy without power.
What relevant issues = Making connections = Forging coalitions with capitalists is very bad = This means turning non-anarchists to anarchists.
Ideal grass uproots for social trans-stasis.
CIA # Coalition.
A # Work.
I # Street hitting.
C # Door knocking.
Anarchism # Does not join with any non-anarchists # Does not join with any one calling him or herself an anarchist. There are no more communities anywhere in the world especially in the western metropolis = The disappearance of the neighborhood.
Mobilization of individuals without community and against politics = Class, grass uproots = Diversity = heterodoxy = Sameness + Homogeneity. The enjoyment of a variety of approaches for the destruction of the status quo. We must disorganize and create a non-community-based disorganization. Anti-work = labor abolition = Anarchic agitation = No priorities and where any thing goes.
Cancellation of the right to ownership of the means of social production and instead the creation of post-economic people control of all resources thus linking them with broader anarchic objectives. It will bring the people a step closer toward anarchism with whom they had very little contact in the past.
Anarcho-based anti-organization – Only few anarchists today have affect on the people – We are the people and the people are us + We are angry + disgusted with the current order of things. In the first years of the 21st century CIA revolutionaries are successful in reaching the people. The managers of our political economic order tremble their way to the bank or to their public office.
People have much to learn from anarchists; particularly in realities were capitalism destroyed all communities and the foundation upon which they stood. Alienation without relations but commodity fetishism + compulsive consumerism.
Anti-authoritarian socio-dynamics = Anti-political + post-political social relations = State weathering away = self-destruction # beyond criticism = meta-criticism # state dependent zombies. The only solution available to the people is the elimination of the capitalist system and the creation instead a CIA world society = Communist – Individualist – Anarchism = Equality + Freedom.
The so-called progressive soft/hard left = Depressive heritage + melachonlia = Lack of creativity or social effect.
Syndicalism = Workerism.
Ecology = Nazi policy.
Conscious subculture = Anarcho-post-culture = Meta-culture.
Ex-community affair = Business affair = Fattish affair.
Lump-proletariat = Planet poor = The rest of the world, i.e. the very few rich amongst the billions on the verge of an apocalypse.
Acute, meta-analytical + pragmatic precision + strategic application = Social change = Egalitarian revolution with a base without a top = Bottom down rise in action =
To bring the few up down were they belong = Where the poor get richer and the rich get poorer, that is sweet justice.
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