Most of the working classes go down on bended knee to the middle classes!
Mike Lane | 03.08.2002 09:29
Most of the working classes have been brainwashed at primary school level by a school syllabus that contains within its centre a neo-liberal ideology that has evolved in such a way as to indoctrinate them into conformity, in other words to conform to a system and enviroment that is being imposed upon them. Working class people have been indoctrinated to think that critical dialogue is an anathama. They don’t realise that they are active participants in their own subjugation. In other words they simply go along with community participation methodology that senior middle class council officers, who themselves don’t know that they are acting as oppressors, impose upon poor working class communities. The working class people who are employed as outreach workers or as administrators alongside their senior middle class colleagues are sub-oppressors of the middle class oppressors. So as you can see the oppressive dynamics that exist within a poor working class community are quite extensive. To really understand what is going on the left wing needs to study in depth people like Freire, Giroux, Shor and the many other libertarian educationalists, who have researched and written extensively on the subject of oppression in the west. In many cases the left are perpetuators of the present system that exists within our communities today. I have seen them working in the community and willingly going along with a participation methodology that has evolved in such a way that it does not empower community activists, but rather, it only serves to oppress them and as I have already stated, domesticates them. Making it easy for outside vested interests to subtly impose their agenda onto the unsuspecting community.
If we on the left don’t take a serious look at the issue of oppression within our communities and how that oppression has been allowed to evolve, hidden and ambiguous, with practically no opposition, there is little chance of changing our society into a utopian society.
Oh by the way, the word “UTOPIAN” is an offensive word to the middle classes. The middle classes have been indoctrinated from childhood up to cringe when they hear the word utopia. Being the oppressor of the working classes the middle classes are the most brainwashed, and as such they hate anything that encapsulates a utopian ideology.
Corruption in all its ambiguous forms exists within UK local government, just acknowledging this fact wont change it. We, that is us left wingers, middle class and working class, should try to get our heads around the ambiguous nature and way that local government bodies and outside agencies are siphoning millions of pounds of public and European funding off into the pockets of property developers, consultants and all the money grabbing private sector entities that have evolved and become expert at getting their hands onto our money.
I have spent many years going to community meetings. I have seen how working class people go down on bended knee to the middle class administrator and consultant. It’s not a pretty sight to see a neighbour grovelling to a middle class person in a suit. Liverpool is full of these working class traitor types. One guy, a traitorous home owner, wrote a letter to a regeneration partnership and got me kicked off a joke PR stunt, to make it look like the community was involved Citizen Panel. Shortly after this same guy was given a well-paid job within the regeneration Partnership. Surely any right thinking person could not agree with this? But nothing was done about this issue, even though I complained.
Social injustice in the UK manifests itself in many different ways. Until we, the most oppressed, the working classes, recognise what is being perpetrated against us by the largely unsuspecting middle classes, we will never be able to reach any form of meaningfull emancipation.
Mike Lane
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