In the middle of the Nineteenth Century, Karl Marx had pointed out that "the Jews as a capitalist factor existed before the emergence of capitalism as a system, and when capitalism gains predominance, the Jew occupies by right the preeminent position in this system." A study of the development of the capitalist system shows us how the Jews came to occupy the preeminent economic place in the most developed capitalist states such as England, France, and the United States of America, and thence began to take control of key political centers in them. Perhaps the first sign of the solidification of the position of representatives of Jewish capital was the arrival of Benjamin Disraeli to the post of Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1868. It would not have been possible for this recently Christianized Jew to occupy the highest post in the greatest capitalist empire of the time, known for the strength of its conservative tendency, if it were not for the organic economic integration of Jewish capital into British capital, and the integration of representatives of Jewish capital into the basic political organization that to an alarming extent dominated the capitalist societies, that is Free Masonry. Shortly thereafter we witness the same phenomenon in France and the United States of America where the financial monopolies dominated by Jewish finance capital came to occupy the preeminent place in their economic life as reflected by members of the Jewish-dominated Masonic lodges settling into executive political positions. Zionism, as is known, is a reactionary, racist movement of fascist character that represents the interests of Jewish finance capital. Therefore Zionism since its inception has directed all its efforts at sabotaging and striking at the world revolutionary movement, and in particular the revolutionary parties of the working class. The Zionist struggle against the world revolutionary movement When capitalism entered its imperialist stage, increasing its plunder and oppression of the workers and colonized people, the reaction of these against imperialism also increased. It was in the age of imperialism that the possibility of the victory of socialist revolution in the weakest links in the imperialist chain also became apparent and the popularity and power of the socialist parties also grew. Revolutionary parties of a new type emerged that set themselves the tasks of revolutionary elimination of capitalist regimes and the establishment in their place of societies of social justice - that is, of socialist societies which would then become communist. In addition to that, revolutions and national liberation movements began to arise in the colonial and semi-colonial countries increasing the threat to world capitalist authority. Zionism was the fiercest enemy of the sweeping revolutionary trend that threatened capitalism's world rule. On the one hand Zionism encouraged all sorts of repression against the revolutionary movement and on the other hand engaged in subversive activities from within this revolutionary movement by making use of its influence upon Jewish members of the revolutionary parties and movements. As is known, in general the sectarian ties binding a Jew with other members of the Jewish religion are the strongest ties he feels and he subordinates all other relationships to loyalty to his Jewish identity. It is therefore not strange that Jews came to occupy preeminent positions in the reformist currents within socialist parties that called for harmony with capitalism. The vast majority of Menshevik leaders in the Russian Social Democratic Party who viciously fought the Leninist revolutionary current were Jews. It suffices to mention a few names in this connection: Martov (Tsederbaum), Leon Trotsky (Bronshtein), Lieber, Dan, etc. After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution representatives of the Zionist or the Zionised current waged unmitigated war on the Leninist revolutionary line. Their most prominent leaders were the same Trotsky, and Zinoviev (Radomilsky, Apfelbaum), Kamenev (Rosenfeld), and Bukharin. But at that time the revolutionary Leninist trend was able to inflict defeat upon the opportunist, Zionised current due to the firmness and principled stand of the Leninist guard lead by the extraordinary revolutionary Josef Stalin - this Bolshevik, Leninist guard that was able to inflame the zeal and power of the masses to build the first society of social justice known to humanity and to vanquish all its enemies. Proof of this leadership's effectiveness can be seen in the statement by David Ben Gurion, founder of Zionist Israel, that when he heard the news of the expulsion of Leon Trotsky from the Soviet Union, he knew that it would not be possible to establish a common language with the world Communist movement and its bastion the Soviet Union. Ben Gurion later stated that Zionism and Communism were like fire and water and could not coexist. The telling blow dealt by the Soviet Communist Party and the world Communist movement to the deviationists and in particular to the Zionised elements allowed the Soviet Union to rise to the level of the world's most powerful states and to inflict defeat upon the most ferocious of the barbaric, reactionary powers of the time, that is Hitler Germany. As the leader of the Syrian Communist Party, Comrade Khalid Bakdash pointed out at the height of the Zionist perestroika movement at the end of the 1980s, "Zionism does not forgive Stalin his defeat of Trotskyism just as imperialism does not forgive him for his defeat of Hitlerism." It must be said that Zionism worked with all its might to strengthen and reinforce the positions of social democratic parties, that is those forces that introduce the interests and activities of capitalism into the the working class. It is known that in the main social democratic parties, that is to say in the European ones, it is impossible for a person to attain a preeminent position without having close ties with Zionism or Freemasonry which is virtually the same thing. Israel, headquarters for world reaction. It is known that the basic aim behind the creation of Israel - an event that was accompanied by one of the greatest crimes of the Twentieth Century, namely the dispersion of the Arab Palestinian people from their land by means of massacres which the Zionists acquired from their experience with the Nazis - was to establish an entity that introduces world imperialist, and particularly American, interests into the Middle East region, a region that has strategic significance in the struggle between the forces of imperialism and the forces for liberation in the world. In addition to that, world imperialism had another, no less important aim in the establishment of the Israeli entity. As is known, after the victory of socialism in the Soviet Union, and after the establishment of the socialist camp following the victory of the Soviet people over Hitler Germany, the class basis for capitalism in those countries disappeared. Imperialism and Zionism in their struggle against the socialist regimes came to rely on the Jews as the basic bearers of the capitalist spirit in those countries. To this end it was necessary to create a state for the Jews to prevent their voluntary assimilation into the societies in which they live, to create, that is, another identifying attachment for them - albeit a place neither they nor their grandparents had ever seen. The assimilation and intermingling of the Jews in the societies in which they lived would have led to the world's capitalist powers losing their broadest social base of support in the socialist states. This is what the imperialists avoided by creating Zionist Israel. Thus, Zionist Israel since its inception has not only been a vicious enemy of the Arab peoples and the Arab national liberation movement, but it has been equally a treacherous and ferocious enemy of the socialist regimes and the world revolutionary movement. The Zionist plan to subvert the socialist states Perhaps the clearest statement of the Zionist attitude to international socialism appeared in a declaration "To the Jews of the world" issued by a community of Russian Jews in Berlin in 1924. In part it literally said: "The community of Russian Jews is firmly convinced that the Bolsheviks constitute the greatest danger to the Jews, and that the struggle with all means and force against mob rule in Russia is an obligation for humanity and civilization, the homeland, and the Jewish people. We are convinced that by our victory over this great evil, we will find in ourselves the strength and determination to struggle against new emerging difficulties. Our basic aim is to spread this conviction among the Jews throughout the world and to mobilize Jewish public opinion in every place on earth for the struggle against Bolshevism." This is the conviction of Zionists as clearly declared in a statement that also included the ways means to attain their goal. There have been many documents along the same lines as that statement, but let us present here what the well-known Polish Zionist Jakob Berman read out in a speech in a secret meeting of the Lovers of Zion organization held in 1950. Berman laid down a number of important points in his speech: 1. After the fall of Nazi Germany the power of world Communism in general and of the Soviet Union in particular had increased after the creation of the Eastern Bloc. 2. Practice had affirmed that the fundamental obstacle to Jewish domination over the world was the Communist movement. That movement could not be bent, so it had to be destroyed. 3. In order to destroy it, its ranks had to be penetrated. 4. Domination over the information media is crucial. 5. Every effort must be made to destroy socialist economic power. 6. It would be harmful to occupy the top position in the Party and State, for this would open people's eyes to Zionist activities. Rather the top position must be surrounded by a network of aides and advisors from among our people and supporters, etc. Berman concludes his report by saying that only after the destruction of Communist power would it be possible for Zionism to impose the rule of God's Chosen People upon the Goys (i.e., upon all non Jews, in accordance with Talmudic terminology.) In fact Zionism began its subversive work according to this plan. The Soviet leadership at that time, however, led by Josef Stalin, was aware of this danger, particularly as it was able to obtain international Zionist documents. At the beginning of the 1950s the prime-minister of Czechoslovakia, Rudolf Slansky was arrested along with siz Zionist agents. They were tried in Prague on charges of cooperation with Zionist Israel and world imperialist centers. There followed a purge of Zionist elements and those working with them in Poland and Hungary. In the Soviet Union a plot of Jewish doctors was uncovered whose basic aim was to eliminate the political leadership of the country. The Soviet leadership also was aware of efforts of imperialist and Zionist circles to sow the seeds of cosmopolitanism (national nihilism) among the citizens of the Soviet Union, in particular among the intellectuals. Out of this came the broad campaign in the Soviet Union on a proposal by Stalin to combat cosmopolitanism and to invigorate the spirit of true patriotism - something that means at the same time the spirit of true internationalism - for the essence of the campaign against cosmopolitanism was the struggle against the political, social, and intellectual penetration of Zionism into the fabric of socialist society. Conquest without weapons. The failure of armed attempts to overthrow socialist regimes in Albania in 1951, Germany in 1953, and Hungary in 1956 compelled world imperialism to rely basically upon the method of creeping counter revolution or seizing power without arms as it was termed by Begun, the Soviet Belorussian researcher who was murdered by Zionists after the counterrevolution in the Soviet Union in 1991. It should be noted that besides their key reliance upon Zionist elements of Jewish origin, the anti-socialist centers also made use of extremely secret organizations to create a network that was not large in numbers but had great influence and was later called "agents of influence". In that context great reliance was placed upon narrow Masonic organizations. The aim of these organizations was not broad-based propaganda aimed at winning over the people, but recruitment of agents prepared to ascend through the ranks of the socialist apparatus of authority. To secure the allegiance of these elements they were regularly married off to Jewish women. It is not an accident that the wives of both Mikhail Gorbachyov and Boris Yel'tsin were Jewish. What strengthened the position of the anti-socialist elements and the Zionists in particular, were the great changes that took place in the Soviet leadership after the death of Stalin, the removal of the sincere Bolshevik guard and the arrival on the scene of a bureaucrat who was by nature unsuited to the socialist idea - Nikita Khrushchyov. Khrushchyov in his personal hatred of Stalin and Stalin's course found firm allies among the Zionist elements. These latter quickly advanced in the hierarchy during his period and created a network of advisors and aides to the leaders. The same phenomenon took place in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the German Democratic Republic to varying degrees. There can be no doubt that major mistakes committed by the socialist states in the running of their countries and in their inner life of the Marxist-Leninist Parties following the 20th Congress of the CPSU helped strengthen the positions of the anti-socialist forces, in particular the Zionists. These mistakes, however, are not the subject of our study in this article. We have presented our opinion on these matters in other studies, but what concerns us here is the subversive role of the Zionists. The first serious attempt to overthrow a socialist government by means of creeping counterrevolution or a bloodless seizure of power took place in Czechoslovakia in 1967-1968. At that time the post of First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was occupied by Alexander Dubcek, a Slovak surrounded by a coterie of Zionists among whom we might mention O. Sik, J. Smrkovsky, Fr. Kriegel, and Z. Mlynar. Under the banner of renewing socialism there began the destruction of the foundations of socialist society from all directions. Particular attention was focused upon the ideological and political realm. Under the signboard of freedom of thought, Communists faithful to their principles were repressed. All conditions were prepared for the declaration for the fall of the socialist system were it not for the intervention at the time of Warsaw Treaty forces, in particular those of the Soviet Union. It is noteworthy that Mlynar, who during the episode known as the "Prague Spring" occupied the post of Secretary for Ideology of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, and who after the failure of the counterrevolution fled to Vienna, Austria, where he worked in a number of Zionist centers, declared openly to the Soviet newspaper Izvestia in 1990 that he secretly embraced anti-socialist ideas while he was studying law in Moscow in the early 1950s. During those years, he shared a room with the young student Mikhail Gorbachyov who held the same ideas. This is one indication that what distinguishes the subversive policy of Zionism-Masonism is none other than deep penetration and inexhaustible sabotage over a long period of time in order to arrive at the final goal. It is noteworthy that this grouping included many personalities who later occupied sensitive positions in the Soviet Union and some of the other socialist states. In addition to working to penetrate agents of influence, the Zionist and Imperialist centers worked to encourage opportunist and upstart elements - people whose only principle was that of personal gain - to occupy important posts in the socialist states. Unquestionably the bureaucratic apparatus and the atrophy of democratic practice in the socialist societies in general and in the ruling parties in particular facilitated this hostile mission. Therefore after the failure of the imperialist-Zionist attempt to overthrow the socialist system in Czechoslovakia, the onslaught continued in an unarmed fashion and attained noteworthy successes especially in Poland and Hungary. In these two countries most sensitive posts in the state and Party fell into the hands of the opposition, in particular the Zionist opposition as began to become clearly apparent by the 1980s. Gorbachyov's Perestroika - climax of the Zionist conspiracy It is claimed that the regime in the Soviet Union and the Central and Eastern European states fell because of their own faulty socialism and that western factors had played no part in their collapse. It is alleged that the immune system or resistance of the Soviet Union was not working and that this is a proof of the inherent weakness of socialism. But when a completely healthy, strong muscled, strapping young fellow dies from a stab in the back, nobody claims that the reason for his death was the weakness of his body or immune system. Undoubtedly one of the chief reasons for the restoration of capitalism to the Soviet lands, in particular Russia, in addition to other reasons was the transformation into parasitism of the leadership and an important part of the membership of the Soviet Communist Party. The basic reason for the destruction of the international socialist camp and the breakup of the Soviet Union lies in the distortion of the political line by, and the right opportunism of, the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party. There can be no question about this. The stage of Perestroika was not a stage of reforms. Rather it was a period of putting an end to the Soviet state. In the beginning it was the the reformist leadership of Mikhail Gorbachyov that led this transformation, at least apparently. This leadership consisted of right opportunists who had infiltrated into the leadership of the Soviet Communist Party and as practice has shown, right opportunism is the basic ally of imperialism in its struggle against socialist regimes and Communist parties. There is no doubt that by the mid 1980s social-economic difficulties that cannot be minimized had developed inside the Soviet Union. These difficulties were the result of various factors of which the arms race was not the least significant. Historical practice had shown that it was possible for the Soviet Union to solve all the economic difficulties so long as the political line it followed continued to adhere to basic principles of Marxism-Leninism. But when radical changes began to be made in this line, it became extremely difficult also to solve the social-economic issues in the interest of the majority of the population. The chairman of the Security Committee of the current Russian Duma, Viktor Ilyukhin, says that during the cold war spending by western countries on the cold war amounted to $4 trillion.(i.e., $4 thousand billion). The west spent $81 billion on the "dissident movement," "free labor unions" and "human rights defense committees" in the socialist countries. As is known the leadership of the so-called dissident movement was entirely in the hands of Zionist elements such as Anatoly Shcharansky who now holds a ministerial office in the Netanyahu government (in Israel). In a huge, multinational, mutlirelgious country such as the Soviet Union, the loss by the Communist Party of its position of leadership meant the fall of the state itself within its borders, and thereby an economic disaster and the breakup of the society as a whole. At the start of the 1960s the US National Security Council laid out a plan for the "peaceful" destruction of the Soviet Union. This programme maintained that without demolishing the Soviet Communist Party it would be impossible to bring down the Soviet Union, and that the destruction of the Soviet Communist Party would be possible by means of the penetration of its leading positions. Imperialism was able with Zionism's help to carry out this mission by putting together the Gorbachyov leadership. Zionism played a prominent role in Gorbachyov's administration. One of the darkest personalities was Aleksandr Yakovlev to whom was entrusted supervision of information and the intellectual policy in the Party and State. Immediately upon his arrival in this post, he began gradually to hand over the key posts in the information establishment to Zionists in particular and to all elements opposed to socialism in general. Thus they were able to take control of radio, television, the major newspapers and magazines published in the Soviet Union. They began a brain washing campaign unprecedented in history. As is known, in order to shake up any society one must begin by stripping it of its historical national memory. This is what took place in the course of perestroika , in the beginning in a covert way, but quickly the campaign turned into an open battle to destroy the foundations of Soviet history. An attack was launched upon socialism's achievements and the means whereby it scored these successes, such as industrialization, and the campaign to spread collectivization in the countryside. Indeed question marks were even raised over the just character of the Great Patriotic War against Hitler. All means were permitted and justified in order to strike at people's morale. Previously to the Gorbachyov era, the cultural-social differences between the peoples the Soviet Union were compensated for by their shared ideological ties, ties that were able with more or less difficulty to be reflected in the varied cultures of the peoples. The unified ideology of the Soviet Union was based upon great ideas and ideals. It was the ideal of a family of peoples and the idea of a shared historical destiny. But when the political regime raised the banner of the market, the system collapsed. For the destruction of the ideology that rejected the market (non-market ideology) led to enormous disparity in thought and way of life of the peoples of the different nationalities and regions of the country. Zionist economists and theorists played a basic role in introducing anti-socialist elements - indeed elements that destroyed socialism - in the area of Soviet social-economic life. With Zionist deceit, the counterrevolutionary powers concealed their true aim. The important means to attain that aim was the use and exploitation of mistakes and distortions that afflicted socialism in varying degrees beginning with the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU in 1956. In the beginning no one spoke openly and clearly about a return to capitalism. Rather all the talk concerned "modification" of the Soviet system, about the socialist market economy, and about democratic socialism. The most important ideological method used was the struggle against "Stalinism" and the economic system based on public ownership of the means of production which was dubbed the "Stalinist" system which had to be modified into the market mode in order to remove what were called distortions of the natural course of socialist development. Or, to put it another way, it was the introduction of capitalism through wide open doors under an obscure slogan without class content, the slogan of "market economy." The Soviet Union, in spite of all the difficulties it had passed through in its history, including periods of harshness of the regime, protected a way of life that guaranteed the survival of every nationality and people even the smallest. The Soviet Union, despite the modesty of its accumulated national wealth (if compared with the imperialist centers that accumulated vast wealth by plundering other peoples of the globe) prevented in practice and not just in theory the emergence of a "third world" inside the USSR. The Soviet Union was the only self-sufficient country on earth in terms of natural and human resources. The destruction of the complementary Soviet economy, according to the description made by Zionist "experts" like Yavlinsky and Agabniyan produced a social-economic crisis that afflicted all the peoples of the country without exception . All these nationalities lost their economic independence. It is noteworthy that during the counterrevolutionary operation inside the Soviet Union, imperialism and Zionism basically bet on bourgeois nationalist chauvinism emerging among all the Soviet nationalities and at the same time they sowed values of national nihilism (cosmopolitanism) among the Russian people so that they might submit to Zionist domination. Today's Russia: a dangerous center of world Zionism Today's Russia is a land of 20 million unemployed, 15 million hungry, 6 million refugees, and two million children of school age who are not receiving education. For every 1,000 members of the population there are nine births and 15 deaths. For every 100 live births, there are 210 aborted or miscarried births. The population of Russia shrinks every year by one million. The level of ruin of industry in the mid-1990s throughout the former Soviet Union is greater than it was in the aftermath of the Second World War! Currently 50 percent of the national wealth has been lost, whereas the figure in 1945 amounted to 18 percent. No one is listening to the pleas of the ordinary Russian citizen. This is natural when the language of the bureaucrats and the pillars of industry is Hebrew and Yiddish. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the country became a center of Jewish activity openly for Zionism indeed with great haughtiness and not so much as a glance at public opinion. The economy is totally dominated by seven Jewish billionaires, including Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Vyakherev and others. It was the Zionist Yegor Gaidar who presided over the rapid destruction of the Russian economy after the victory of the counter revolution in 1991, that led in turn to the frightful impoverishment of of the people within two years. It was the Zionist Anatoly Chubais who led the process of so-called privatization of the economy that is the effort to strike down national production and impose the domination of transnational monopolies on Russia. In spite of the prominent presence of Zionists in the leadership of every bourgeois faction and party in Russia, they formed in addition to that a special party for their "elite" known as "Yabloko" of which Russian patriots said with justification that it was not so much a political party as it was an ethnic political faction. In general the keys to power in Russia, as Russian patriots say, are now centered in the hands of the "Gang of Six" that rules absolutely the life of the country. This gang is a Zionist gang composed of Chubais, Baturin, Berezovsky, Livshits, Yasen, and Putanin. Contempt for public opinion reached such an extent that Berezovsky was given the position of Deputy Secretary of the National Security Council in Russia although he held dual citizenship in both Russia and Israel. When asked about this subject he responded: "Any Jew in Russia carries these two citizenships, whether officially or practically," As we know, Berezovsky was recently appointed an Executive Secretary of the Confederation of Independent States, the organization that includes most of the republics of the former Soviet Union. This occurred despite widespread objections inside Russia itself and from some patriotic leaderships of some of the republics such as Aleksandr Lukashenko, the President of Byelorussia. Anatoly Chubais, who deservedly enjoys the collective hatred of the Russian people, having cleaned out the state sector of the economy and turned over ownership of it to international monopolies and Zionist mafias, has been authorized to preside over the electrical power industry which still remains under state ownership. His mission is to do the same to this sector as he had done with the rest of the economy - to completely eliminate national production in Russia. It is not important whether the people are pleased with Chubais, rather what is important is that the band of Zionists is pleased with him. The climax of the tragi-comedy was the appointment of Kiriyenko as prime minister - a man distinguished by nothing other than the fact that his surname was originally "Israelovich." And he was appropriately named, for evidently he is to transform Russia finally and openly so that it would conform to his name. Moscow has presently become one of the three biggest centers of world Zionism, next to Tel Aviv and New York. Thus the struggle against Zionism is not restricted to Palestine but has an international standing. Zionism is the ferocious enemy of the world revolutionary movement. At the beginning of the 1990s the Communist and workers' movement went through a period where there were more than seventy parties divided against themselves. World Zionism played, directly or indirectly, a basic role in bringing this situation about, particularly since the international department of the Soviet Communist Party was led by Zionised elements like Boris Ponomaryov (whose original name was Barukh Komantorovich) and his aides who exercised destructive influence upon many of the Communist and workers' parties of the world. At the height of perestroika we find that many of the parties and movements in the world had completely abandoned revolutionary positions and turned themselves into harmless parties and movements advocating "common humanist causes," as if there were something in the world that could unite the robber and the robbed. Today imperialism and international Zionism have not given up their drive to cripple the world revolutionary movement. In fact they have become more vicious and cunning in this work of theirs. At the present stage they do not aspire to wipe out the revolutionary parties in form, but strive to eviscerate them of their revolutionary content. The imperialists and Zionists know well that if the revolutionary parties are eliminated in form, new replacements of them will be created in their place, because the existence of revolutionary parties is determined by the reality of the furious struggle between the forces of freedom and the forces of oppression in the world. Therefore the best approach for imperialism and Zionism to follow is to preserve the revolutionary parties in name and outward form while at the same time emptying them of their content and truncating them. As far as the buying up of accounts goes, wide use is now being made of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) whether they be international or headquartered in a particular imperialist country. These organizations generously set the extent of assistance, particularly material assistance, that will go to every party, organization, or leader who strives to divert the orientation of the struggle away from the battle against imperialism and Zionism - that is against the essence of the world imperialist system - to a struggle over a few superficial issues even if these issues do emanate from the essence of that imperialist system. Insistent efforts on the part of imperialism and Zionism are under way to change the revolutionary parties into institutions that are managed, like private joint stock companies, by the major share holders; people who are not united by shared dedication to the noble principles of freedom and social justice but by the personal interests of those major shareholders that often are purely material. So that these companies (parties) might be managed successfully, the big shareholders strive to truncate them. There is no need to have workers and peasants or the broad masses in general to participate in such enterprises. It is enough for these shareholders to get their wishes fulfilled to have some obscure source of funding and a narrow group of cadre employees who are called metaphorically "party cadres". In the final analysis such a party organization is suitable to the enemy forces for it is like a lap dog, one of those salon dogs, that barks but does not bite. In our opinion the position that was enunciated at the beginning of the Twentieth Century to the effect that the struggle against imperialism passes through and intertwines with a relentless struggle against opportunism, is in no sense outdated. In fact it is more timely than ever before. The raging struggle against imperialism and Zionism demands that the struggle be intensified against those who try to pass off their own policies inside the revolutionary movement, whatever their intentions might be. Lenin noted at the beginning of the Twentieth Century that there are nations that can be called imperialist nations, where a large part of their citizens have an interest, although to varying degrees, in the enslavement of other peoples. Today after the bitter experience that the world revolutionary and Communist movements and socialist countries have passed through, we can say that there is a reactionary nation or religious community or confessional group, however it might best be called, and this is none other than the Jews. This does not mean that among the Jews there are no individuals opposed to imperialism and striving for social progress. But as in the middle of the Twentieth Century when the name of the Germans was linked with Nazism and Hitlerism - despite the existence of individuals like Ernst Thaelmann, Heinrich Mann, Bertold Brecht, and Anna Siegers - today the name of the Jews is linked with Zionism in spite of the existence of individuals like Meier Vilner, Noam Chomsky, and Israel Shahak. All our recent experience leads us to the conclusion that the struggle against Zionism is a duty, not only for patriotic Arabs, but for all free people of the world in their struggle for freedom and social justice.