IMC Austria extremely corrupt
Thomas J | 17.07.2002 17:37
Jews United Against Zionism
by Rabbi Dovid white 4:13pm Fri July 5 ' 02 (Modified on 11:2ãm Wed July 17 ' 02)
ADDRESS: 10à Saddle River Road, Monsey N.Y. 10952

Translation the front PAGE of

Judaismus is the faith of the Jewish people. It is based on the existence of g-ttes and its revealing at the Sinai.
At the Sinai, before which met crowds of the Jews, who were released recently by Himmeli miracles from Egypt, has the creator of this nation its Thora opened.
This Thora contains the creating courses of our faith, Himmeli requirements and the history of the earliest Jewish ones and, generally, human meetings with g-tt.
Over centuries Jews swore loyalty to these Thora, also under employment of their life. This loyalty was held with nearly unanimous loyalty up to the dawn of the modernity. Into the ca.300 years since then sucked. Clearing-up began, loses both Jews and the Heidni European civilization many souls into its bad claws.
Nowadays gives it sad-proves many Jews, who are ignorant by no own fault over the bases of their faith, and therefore these do not practice. This is a large tragedy from various regard. Under these the falsification of the Judaismus is perhaps outstanding arises if that, its basic nature ignorant one, over it to the public talks.
It is an obligation of all faith-faithful Jews to out-send the truths of the Judaismus on as clear a way as possible into the world.
Neturei Karta international made this Propagation and Klarifikation of the Thora Judaismus it's duty.
Its only loyalty is too g-tt and its revealing.
One of the foundations of the Judaismus is that we are a people living by Himmeli requirement in exile.
Accordingly we resist the ideology of the Zionismus, a modern feature, which tries, to force an end of the exile. Our banishing from the holy country will then be terminated by a wonderwork, if whole mankind in the fraternal service of our creator became united.
In addition of this denunziation of the central Haeresie of the Zionismus, we contradict its aggression politics against all peoples. This gau SAMNESS shows up today particularly by the brutal treatment of the people of Palestine. We proclaim it solemnly that this inhuman policy is against the Thora.
NKI looks for peace and reconciliation with all peoples and nations. These are particularly necessary in our conditions to the Islamic world, where the Zionismus did so much during 53 years around the Muslim-Jewish understanding to destroy.
We are called welcomely the support of all good-determined humans, and are available to support those for their goals with the ours cover ourselves.
Shalom, Rabbi Dovid white
Clear case...
by Dovid 7:21pm Sat July 6 ' 02
of Antisemitismus!
(right-wing extremists Israelis like the praying acre people can spread here naturally unimpaired their propaganda - if already religiously, then equivalent nationalreligiously.)
Caution, Dovid
by BlackPope 11:2ãm Wed July 17 ' 02

I am not sure me that the people know at all the concept of Sarkasmus here.
I would have gladly a Mail of you - however the last mark which I for it asked, got I only a uncharakteristisch sense-emptied retort.
It would know me to be pleased that you were not its author.
Schalom, BP
I'm not really involved in any issues in Austria, in fact that was the first time I've been on IMC Austria, but the fact such a valid piece has been censored in this fashion brings me to the conclusion that IMC Austria is corrupt, and against the very people it's supposed to represent. I say boycott them (and any other IMCs with such attitudes) and form an alternative IMC to represent the people of Austria!
Thomas J