urgent action for WEST PAPUA tomorrow- LONDON
WEST PAPUA | 25.06.2002 14:29
WED 26th JUNE 8.00-10.00
Meet Green Park tube 7.45 or at the Embassy, 38 Grosvenor Square 8.00 - 8.30
After the success of our action when Megawati met Blair we are going to keep the pressure on Indonesia and let them know that we are watching their every move in West Papua.We will demonstrate at the Indonesian Embassy in London to highlight:
- the suspicious circumstances surrounding the recent poisoning of Yafeth Yelemaken
and in solidarity with:
- the imprisoned Benny Wenda
- the Papuans who have been occupying the DPRD in Jayapura
- the Papuan students who are on hunger strike outside Komnas HAM in Jakarta
We will leaflet embassy employees on their way in and display banners from the other side of the road. At 10.00 we will deliver a letter to the Consular and have a short interview. We will also deliver letters to be sent to Megawati and to the Police and Army chiefs of West Papua.
Please try to make it, even if you can only spare an hour before work. Look forward to seeing you there. Any questions email or phone Mike:

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