The persecution and betrayal of the Black Block by so called 'socialists', taking place at Genoa and in Seville is no freak phenomenon but exposes the allegiences of these self-declared heirs of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.
The so called 'socialist' organisations who take place in big anti-capitalist mobilisations across Europe and elsewhere are keen to discredit the Black Block and other Anarchists as a small minority who spoil demonstrations for the majority of peaceful demonstrators. This says a lot about groups such as the Cliffite SWP who are more than happy to betray the Black Block and Anarchists to the cops and open them up to state repression, whilst they side with their own bourgeoisies on all manner of issues and show as always that their self-proclaimed 'revolutionary' credentials and statements are an empty and intentionally misleading cover for their reformist and rotten labourite politics. No doubt the 'left' 'workers' press will state that the Seville demonstrations were on the whole successful except for Black Block 'intruders' who 'threatened to sabotage' otherwise peaceful and respectable pseudo-left, reformist hot air....or should I say, lukewarm, simmering at gas point capitalism air?
I'm no Anarchist, but it is Black Block Anarchists not the lackeys who persecute and attack them– who denounced them in Genoa and organised seperate marches on May the 1st, who refuse to defend them from state repression– who are fighting capitalism, however effectively. I challenge to one self-respecting and self-confident, self-proclaimed 'socialist' to tell me why they have no intention of defending the Black Block and the Wombles from state repression, and why they throw them off demonstrations as they did in Seville yesterday.
Prepare for some silence or for paragraphs of labourite, social democratic reformism.
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