FIrst Critical Mass Ride in Moscow (June 12)
IMC-Russia | 19.06.2002 10:31
The first CM ride was rather low profile, as we only distributed leaflets describing principles of CM and criticizing heavy car traffic in Moscow. Special leaflets to car drivers were also distributed, urging the drivers to pay more attention to cyclists and pedestrians and leave cars at home as often as possible. Next time we should be able to achieve more by having pro-bike T-shirts, more leaflets and hopefully more riders in the CM. So far we have agreed to have regular monthly CMs on the last Friday of each month, gathering at the entrance to bicycle market near Sokolnioki subway station at 7 p.m. (but the time may change as there are extra heavy traffic jams on a Friday night in Moscow now and we will either have to choose the route properly in order to have a ride, rather than a stand, or change the time – we’ll see).
We are happy to get Moscow on the list of cities that have their own CM now and hope it will become regular. Moscow CM now has a website at
There are plans to have other bicycle and anti-car events in Moscow for the World Car-free Days in September 2002 organized on the initiative of Car Busters.
If you have any questions you can contact Mikhail at
All opinions and impressions about past and upcoming rides, as well as discussion of ideas behind Critical Mass, can be posted to the forum of this website. Your contribution is very welcome, both in form of posting your opinion and active participation in preparation of future rides.