June 18, 2002 21:00UTC Update - The 'Alberta Advantage' Exposed
Jeremy Sinton | 18.06.2002 20:46
requesting continuing current updates on Air
Canada's ongoing and very obvious Human Rights
abuse of one of their employees.
Updates will continue to be posted to as many of
the IndyMedia.org sites as time allows.
Air Canada and the Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta,
Abusers of Human Rights
It is very encouraging that people have been requesting
continuing current updates on Air Canada's ongoing and very
obvious Human Rights abuse of one of their employees.
Updates will continue to be posted to as many of the
IndyMedia.org sites as time allows.
Could it be that some of you have ethical considerations
when choosing an air carrier and / or a vacation destination
when spending your hard earned money and time?
It is suggested that you do not cancel your plans to attend
the G8 marches and rallies but just avoid spending any
travel or vacation money on a company, government or
population that supports the denial of human rights and
exploitation of other human beings for profit.
Air Canada and the Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta
have for the moment stopped their harassment of the injured
Air Canada employee.
This is assumed to be due to 'their' embarrassment and the
damage control measures invoked for the upcoming G8 summit
meeting in Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada.
The injured employee remains adamant that the negligent
employer, Air Canada (Canada's International/National Flag
Air Carrier and Divisions) pay for all the required,
adequate health care costs and pay compensation for having
to endure all the years of pain and suffering they've
The last known contact, instigated by Air Canada's Human
Resources (Exploitation) Department in Calgary, Alberta,
Canada had to be terminated due to it's futile, abusive
nature and in fact was nothing more than "their lunchtime
entertainment of infantile and un-constructive verbal
bulling, intimidation, mis-information and threat tactics".
- Air Canada's blind insistence that the employee
immediately attend a meeting without legal counsel present
to protect the employee's Human Rights.
- Air Canada stated that it's employee did not have any
right to have said counsel present during the proposed
closed door meeting and that Air Canada would not pay for
the employee's lawyer's additional expense and time if they
ever did allow it.
- Air Canada's mired refusal to discuss what are in fact the
only primary issues:
- Adequate, timely health care required as a direct
result of two events of negligence causing permanent
body damage.
- Immediate compensation for over five years of
deliberate, torturous, mis-management.
Due to the extreme burden and hardship imposed on the Air
Canada employee it is unlikely they'll have enough energy or
strength to attend many G8 marches or rallies and would at
the moment still prefer not to become a poster person of the
week or a workers' martyr.
As nothing on paper has appeared from Air Canada regarding
a reasonable settlement apart from a few unsubstantiated
rumours heard via the grape vine regarding an imminent
settlement and with the sincere offers of financial support
continuing to come in, the setting up of a legal expense
trust fund is now seriously being examined.
It is hoped more concrete details concerning this can be
released shortly.
A big thank you has to go the great people at IndyMedia.org
and it's supporters all over planet Earth. A thank you also
has to go to those telling their spam-in-a-can survivor
experiences regarding denied boardings, snotty service and
lost luggage.
Remember, after your next flight and your waiting forever in
the lost luggage claim area to keep an eye open for an as
yet unclaimed, very large, very heavy, securely bound,
dark green suitcase marked 'Corporate Greed', for inside
amongst all the dirty, soiled laundry is to be found a
little satchel of forgotten and long lost Corporate Ethics.
Not surprisingly no reward is offered for its return.
I encourage any interested, sincere parties to contact me
personally if they're coming to Calgary, Alberta, Canada and
arrangements can be made to provide more in-depth detail.
Thank you all for your time and we're looking forward to the
upcoming interviews.
Jeremy Sinton
Suite 5, 3919 1st. Street, N.E.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 3E2
1 403 277 4841
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Jeremy Sinton