"idiots guide to globalisation" now online
our very own resident idiot | 08.06.2002 18:15
* The top three billionaires have assets greater than the GDP* of the 600 million people who live in the 48 least developed states.
* 20% of the world's richest people living in the world's richest countries control 86% of the world's wealth.
* On the world's money markets a small number of traders change $1.5 trillion every day. Meanwhile incomes in Africa south of the Safara have actually gone down in the last 20 years. 40% are below the poverty line.
[* what do these initials mean? don't despair, it all becomes clear in the explanations a few paragraphs further down...]
G lobalisation is the latest form of capitalist exploitation around the globe. We now have a world mainly made up of capitalist states, integrated with each others economies in complicated ways. Production networks stretch across continents. Communications and travel have been revolutionised.
The way capitalist globalisation has taken place has been a disaster for many of the world's poorest. Capitalism means 30 million people die each year from lack of food. And the misery of starvation is absolutely unnecessary. A small tax (of just 4%) on the 225 biggest fortunes in the world would allow us to provide food, clean water, health and education for every person on the planet.
and to read the rest, which first appeared in the unprofessional badly printed with ver ypoor quality pictures magazine ("magazine"'s pushing it a bit) "Bolshy",
go to this link+
there you can add comments to the article etc.
bolshy can be got by post if you like from Bolshy, Po Box 823, London SE15 4NA, include a 1st class stamp and a name and address to where we should send it to, or a bundle of stamps/cash for the next few issues. or email mick@skooldog.fsnet.co.uk
our very own resident idiot