armchair radicals' conscience pacifyier
Armchair Radical With Money To Donate | 15.05.2002 23:08
on the website theres a load of details on the campaign we've launched for solidarity with the indonesian fighting trade union the FNPBI (whose leader Dita Sari is quite well known) after it turned down a hypocritical $50,000 " human rights award " from sweatshop firm Reebok. we're trying to raise the 50 grand so they don't lose out. and now donations can be made online.......
not to suggest theres a load of armchair radicals hanging about here("office swivel chair" would be more exact)...
on the website theres a load of details on the campaign we've launched for solidarity with the indonesian fighting trade union the FNPBI (whose leader Dita Sari is quite well known)
after it turned down a hypocritical $50,000 " human rights award " from sweatshop firm Reebok.
we're trying to raise the 50 grand so they don't lose out. 1,000 quid funds the running of a union branch office somewhere in Indonesia for a year.
and the best thing is, armchair radicals can calm their conscience a bit by donating some cash to the appeal online, by credit card or PayPal.
more details on
or direct to the donation page at
Armchair Radical With Money To Donate