who says the corporate media desn't cover demonstrations?
kon4m | 07.05.2002 19:50

if this isn't enough to convince people that they are daily brainwashed by the media I don't know what is! ok '30.000 march to demand peace' apparently... so where does the 'peace' come in? maybe when Netanyahu compares Arafat to Hitler (if we dare to compare Sharon to Hitler, a more apt comparison, we are publicly crucified!) or maybe when he calls 'not to go around Arafat' but to 'go over Arafat', always cheered by the crowd... wow they really seem ready to sit down at a table and discuss 'peace'! interesting how they're always talking about the Palestinians that want to 'destroy Israel' (the Arab states had already accepted its existence back in the 50's!) while it seems to me like the opposite: after all back in the day Ben Gurion had made it very clear that Israel's final aim has always been complete control of the 'holy land', and what does ' to go over Arafat' mean if not a final blow the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian population to finally get them out of Israel's way once and for all? and what's the comparison about Israelis and Londoners all about?! I don't recall the Nazis being a population living under English military rule and resisting a slow genocide by any means they have!! how can people buy this bollocks? No comment about the space dedicated to the 'counter-march', with only one quote taken out of context about the Israeli State being 'the terrorist', which makes sense only if you develop the argument otherwise you come out a crazy extremist, which is exactly how they want to paint the opposition. oh and thanks for mentioning the 'tens of thousands' of Muslims who marched a month ago, more like at least 50.000 if I'm not wrong, and still I don't remember us getting half a page in the paper! I could go on but I'm too pissed off... it's just obscene how biased the media is. if anyone found a reference to 'peace' or at least understanding (except maybe the bishop of Oxford.. booed by the crowd!) and not just hate in that article please let me know. the truth about the middle East conflict is out there for who is ready to listen... but certainly not in the corporate media. check out the Palestine solidarity campaign website at

In Solidarity,
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