Festival of alternatives... continued
matilda | 07.05.2002 16:40
On Friday i went down to teh PGA workshop at the new London Action Resource Centre (LARC) there was a talk on the possibilities of having a European 'consulta' a listening opportunity to our communities and grassroots groups. It was more about the detail and who is organising the process but a good discussion was had about the ESF and why we should do something outside of just Direct action...
Anarchist Book Fair: at a community centre in islington
A small book fair compared to normal but still a good chance to pick up those books that don't quite make it into the shops! The usual stalls by AK press, Active distro, Direct action, Organise etc and lovely food cakes and coffee. Thanks for those who set it up i look forward to the next big one in October.
Film screenings: at LARC
On Monday afternoon there were film screenings at LARC of
- "The coconut revolution" about the Papua New Guinea environmental revolution as they were blokaded by Australians and Indonesian backed government. Very inspiring and humbling to watch.
- "New kids on the Black bloc" a humourous look at the scene
- "Simon Jones campaign" - a great talk and film of this strong campaign in brighton, a must see if it comes round again!
also inbetween there was a talk on alternative food by a genetix activist
I know there were many more events on so lets hear about them!