Looney Left Mayday Cup
Maradonna Cruyff | 06.05.2002 10:04
Twelve teams took part in the tournement (The International Bastards, Between the Lines, Sonz of Emil, The Rowdies, Hackney's Hardest, Brixton Diablos, West London 7, NorthSouth Divided United, T&G and Bharet's Dream Team). Despite early showers, the sun finally came out as a copuple of hundred people picnicked and partied and watched some fantastic football. Banners were hung that read, 'Football Belongs to Us...the Working-Class!', 'Give Capitalism the Boot!', 'Hackney's Not 4 Sale' and after some hard fought games the final was won, once again by the mighty Brixton Diablos.
Twenty rampaging anarchist under-13's had a fantastic time in the kid's final and the day was rounded off with a 3-sided free-for-all mass kick-a-bout, a fantastic and beautifully chaotic end to the tournement.
The Looney Left Collective's next footy spectacular will be the anti-Jubilee World Cup taking place over the fiorst weekend in June. Look out for details/flyers very soon, or contact the Looney Left Collective@yahoo.com.
Maradonna Cruyff