Walk for Palestine Medical Aid - Bristol to London
Bristol Solidarity | 22.04.2002 22:54
Margaret Jones, who organised the walk says, “The people in Palestine feel that they are locked up in prison, isolated from the world. We hope what we are doing in raising money will help them in a practical way and will also remind the Palestinians that they are not forgotten, and that the world does understand something of their terrible plight. Most Palestinians are not suicide bombers. They are just ordinary people who would love to have a state of their own - to be able to live normal lives, as they did before their lands were taken from them.”
On May 22 Margaret will travel to Palestine, to present to money raised to the centres. One is the Al-Awda Hospital, run by the dedicated and efficient Dr. Mona al-Farra in Gaza. The hospital is very basic but every penny there is put to good use. The other is the Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture in Ramallah. This latter place runs on a shoestring - but it has a qualified psychiatrist, counsellors, a social worker and a GP. There is group therapy, art workshops and grief counselling and summer outings for the children (when conditions are more "normal" than at present).
The walk departs each town as follows:-
Monday 22 April - Bath
Tuesday 23 April - Devizes
Wednesday 24 April - Melksham
Thursday 25 April - Marlborough
Friday 26 April - Newbury
Saturday 27 April - Reading
Sunday 28 April - Windsor
Monday 29 April - Kingston-upon-Thames
Tuesday 30 April - Lobby of 10 Downing Street, London.
Contact the walkers on Mobile 0798-524-1171
Media Backup: Rowland Dye 0117-955-2061 Mobile 07711-214-168
Further sponsorship is most welcome.
Make cheques payable to Dr Margaret Jones (Walk) and post to 4 Langsdown House, St Nicholas Road, Bristol BS2 9JY.
Bristol Solidarity