Perverts, Degenerates, and Godless Scum
Bob | 22.04.2002 21:43
I have focused on the Storm Troopers because they have been the "backbone" of the Nazis and Zionism. The Storm Troopers of Germany were not the SS or the Gestapo; but the SA, Hitler's private army. The encyclopedia says that the SA was a "motley bunch of street brawlers, thugs, and hooligans" that Hitler recruited in 1921 from among the nationalistic freebooters that had arisen during the depression after WW I. The crudity of the Nazis made Germany believe that they could use the Nazis to promote their own agenda. The Nazi "game plan" was to use racist, anti-Semitic, and bogus socialist ideas to unite the nation thru psychological and military manipulation. They believed that control of the streets was the key to the power of the state. By 1931 there was 100,000 members of the SA, and they were called "brownshirts". Hitler "tucked his tail" when they banned the then 400,000 brownshirts in the 1932 Presidential campaign; nevertheless the Nazis intimidated, threatened, bribed, and openly opposed opponents to get the necessary majority to established the National Government of the Third Reich when Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 (First Reich - Holy Roman Empire (800-1806); Second Reich - German Empire (1871-1918)).
In a situation remarkably similar to the World Trade Center disaster (66464 & 139628), on 2/27/33 the Reichstag Building went up in flames, and the Nazis suspended rights and used it as the basis for persecuting Communists and Social Democrats. In March 1933 the Nazis established a ministry of propaganda and public instruction, taking control of the media; and in April 1933 they began using anti-Semitic policies and secret police to terrorize and suppress opponents. Those who opposed the government were murdered, imprisoned in concentration camps, or battered by Storm Troopers. Meanwhile there was #2 Nazi, Hermann Goering on the sidelines, saying, "I decide who is or is not a Jew". Much like the New World Order of today, the word Weltanschauung (world view) was a favorite Nazi word that was instilled in young pupils and used to impress the world with the positive qualities of racism. These Storm Troopers apparently worked behind the scene to keep the Nazi War Machine running right up until 12/44, when Hitler tried to mobilize the Germans for a suicidal last battle and failed.
Although Hitler probably escaped and lived to a ripe old age as the Supreme Leader of the Storm Troopers, Nicky is apparently now the Supreme One of the Storm Troopers and all of the lawless renegades of Jacob (Mic. 1:5; Amos 6:8); i.e. Bush Daddy Tribe. Below their Supreme Leader, the SA chain of command was Chief of Staff, Senior Groups, Groups, Lower Groups, Regiments, Battalions, Storm Troops, Troops, and Bands. Although there was a Blood Purge of the SA in 1934, the SA was reorganized with the troopers over 45 years of age forming local militia, which numbered approximately 1.2 million. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg rejected criminal cases against the SA, saying that it had not been shown that their atrocities were part of a specific plan to wage aggressive war. "Although in specific instances some units of the SA were used for the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity, it cannot be said that the members participated in, or even knew of, the criminal acts". Creative stupidity! No?
Posing as one persecuted people or another, many of the Storm Troopers of Germany emigrated to the US with Nicky. Since all of the Storm Troopers were apparently poopheads from way back, those who could be taught to "Wipe That @#$% Look Off Their Face" (70672) and dress for success (46750 & 79546) were instrumental in the formation of the US Secret Service. These Storm Troopers established themselves in the US with an emphasis on closeting their members, objectives, and criminality (35206). The Pro-gay Coprophagic Zionistic Mainstream Media has been under their control for a long time along with the fields of education, medicine, and science. These Storm Troopers of BDT will murder, imprison, or disable anyone who opposes them in government, justice, or law enforcement. They focus to a large extent on the chemical-mongering practices of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:6,15; 24988, 47525, & 59038) and the suppression of knowledge of phenomena such as infrared, which they use against people (42982, 43171, & 139628). Although there are probably millions of Storm Troopers in the US, many of them don't know that they are troopers because the Tail knows nothing about the Head. In spite of this, support of the bogus state of Israel in the Middle East seems to be what unifies the troopers and all of BDT.
On the other hand all of the troopers and BDT seem intent on effacing "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" (93509) from being a nation that the name of Israel may be remembered no more (Ps. 83:4). Since Bush Daddy calls the Dryden Messiah, "Mossad in America", you can be sure that the other Messiahs and many of those of BDT that have been gathered to Ithaca (Mic. 2:12; 43985, 46236) are second generation immigrants of the Third Reich. They truly are attempting to become God's people (1 Peter 2:9), not understanding that Israel is the only chosen people. Via observation of the punk rogue police of Cornell (132033 & 136536) and other members of BDT, I have recognized a certain pattern to their lawlessness. They flaunt their lawbreaking to people, saying "No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It" (41739 & 115043) and that they don't have to stop until they get taken to court. In addition to targetting and/or eliminating anyone who questions or challenges them, they welcome the chance to "mug the judge, jerk the clerks, or maul the lawyers"; i.e. anyone who supports their victims who are usually those who have mentioned me or anything that I have written about (James 5:6). What they don't understand is that they are obligated to be aware of their criminality and that those who are suppose to ensure that they adhere to the rules are the ones who should deal with their criminality. Enforced adherence to rules and regulations and verification of professed credentials should teach them that stupidity doesn't pay. Furthermore if Manasseh or Benjamin asks you who these Israelite-wannabes are, you can help assure that the chemical-mongering BDT gets to take their holy pursuits to the Love Festivals of Hooterville by identifying them (29190). Since either Manasseh or Benjamin might make your hair stand up, you can confirm the positive or negative aspects of talking to a stranger by checking the clouds for a "yes", a "no", or something like that. Never forget that His power is in the sky (Ps. 68:34; Is. 50:10) and that such signs and wonders (Mk. 13:26) characterize God's rule of the earth (Ps. 59:13). And don't believe for a second that Israel's Love Festivals of Hooterville are about pornography, they are legitimate religious festivals (102423), including a Path That Leads To Life. Manasseh will assure you that these festivals are "a witness between us that the Lord is God" (Joshua 22:27).
Keep in mind that the troopers and all of BDT are sworn not to read a word that I write (or they don't know how to read). Since Bush Daddy has definitely let every one of them know that he was going to be a king or some other damn thing; we can probably persuade the Queen to monarch him, for she was able to knight him without cutting his head off. A lavish ceremony could be arraigned; one that the mainstream media could not resist reporting on. Then the BDT of the Ithaca area could be informed that King Bush will be arriving by aircraft (147306). Bush Daddy claims that his tribe plans to dress him up like a woman before they drop him off (Is. 14:12); thus it is no lie about him being dressed and stood up on two feet like a man (Dan. 7:4; 36001). Rather than let the Bush Daddy king ramble on about his criminality, his lover boys, or his overall inanity; BDT will surely silence him (Hosea 10:15). This Reich business is about the regal pursuit of the establishment of the king of all the earth, and the Supreme One , all of his troopers, and all of BDT will be subjected to this Great Dead King of Israel until God's words are fulfilled (Rev. 17:17). This day of being given attention for the Third Reich (Hosea 9:5) will assure that God's word does not return to Him empty (Is. 55:11), for "key players" will appear to make manifest the signs and wonders that will entrap BDT (2 Thess. 2:9-12), for they cannot quit BDT (Is. 33:1). Until there's then, beware the stupidity of Bush Daddy's Third Reich! They make poop look smart!
All (numbers) are for articles on; i.e. Global IMC. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenger
PS: I've recalled that the sulphurous compound pressurizing the walls of my apt.(166317 & 171618) is sulphur dioxide, which is produced by the burning of many sulphurous compounds. Is is a common air pollutant that becomes sulphuric acid in the lungs, producing fluid from the irritation. If you feel the need to rub your eyes in disbelief at all this, don't! That promotes vision loss! Flush them with water! Also note that the troopers are trying to destroy IMC by disabling the sites that carry my articles and establishing perfectly functional brainless sites like SD,DC, Milwaukee, and Atlanta that carry nothing worth reading.
PPS: (4/19/02) If you happened upon one of Hitler's henchmen and told him about the girls at the Love Festivals of Hooterville, do you think that his leaders would let him read about them? Or do you want to wait until they do a Hitler sit-com? Colin Powell apparently didn't understand the purpose of calling for "Peace When There Is No Peace" (39028) when he went to the Middle East. Peace is war to the BDT; they want suckers to go get themselves killed so that they can stay home and raise hell in peace (Jer. 9:8).
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