'White people scare the crap out of me. This may be hard for you to understand-considering that I am white-but...if you find yourself suddenly surrounded by white people, you better watch out.Anything can happen. As white people, we've been lulled into thinking it's safe to be around other white people. We've been taught since birth that it's the people of that other colour we need to fear. They're the ones who'll slit your throat. Yet as I look back on my life, a strange but unmistakable pattern seems to emerge. Every person who has ever harmed me in my lifetime-the boss who fired me, the teacher who flunked me, the principal who punished me, the kid who hit me in the eye with a rock,the drunk who smashed into me, the burglar who stole my stereo, the contractor who overcharged me-every one of these individuals has been a white person. Coincidence? I think not. I have never been attacked by a black person, never been evicted by a black person, never had a black landlord, never had a black person denie my child the college of her choice, never been pulled over by a black cop, never been sold a lemon by a black car salesman, never had a black person say"We're going to eliminate 10,000 jobs here-have a nice day!"
'VICE PRESIDENT- Dick Cheney, as a congressman,Cheney voted against the Equal Rights Amendment, against a House resolution calling for South Africa to release Nelson Mandela from prison,...'
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