Big Oil’s Last Hurrah and the Israeli Occupation
Lloyd Hart | 01.04.2002 00:37
Lloyd Hart
It must be quite clear by now, especially after Bush’s latest comments on 3/30/02 criticizing Yasser Arafat and understanding Sharon’s insanity, that it is in the Bush regime’s interest in having the specter of right wing Rabin assassinating religious fanatics armed with nuclear weapons at the head of the state of Israel. This grotesquely simplistic policy is supported by the Bush regime’s own "War on Terrorism" threat of using nuclear weapons against non nuclear Arab states for any act of aggression against Israel, the US or their interests.
That kind of "we’ll kick your ass" policy disorder may have worked to keep cheap oil flowing to the European and American imperialists for decades but it has just been summarily routed and completely destroyed in global public opinion by Saudi Prince Abdullah’s proposal for peace and normal relations with Israel in exchange for an independent state of Palestine, unanimously accepted and sent forward to the Israelis by the Arab League.
Unfortunately Israel answered this "only way out" solution with the invasion of the Palestinian Authority Government compound. Now that Sharon has declared war on the Palestinians with the obvious support of the US even though the US voted in the UN security council for Israel to withdraw from Palestine which is really just another Enron paper chase that the US regularly participates in to placate so called Allies, any one that was giving Sharon the benefit of the doubt should now come clean and admit that peace was never part of Sharon’s or the Bush regime’s agenda.
The question the Israelis and the Bush regime do not want asked in the global media is this: "If George Bush and a multi trillion dollar defense system can't stop terrorist attacks, if Ariel Sharon and the three billion dollars in aid from the US annually can't stop terrorist attacks, how does the US and Israel expect Yasser Arafat to stop the terrorist attacks with the security infrastructure of the Palestinian Authority reduced to rubble at the hands of the Israelis, with no freedom of movement for Palestinian Authority security forces and Yasser Arafat himself being completely surrounded by Israeli tanks and soldiers unable to assert his Authority?"
Bush and Sharon do not wish this question to be asked because the only honest answer from the Bush regime would be that with peace and prosperity spreading through the region the European and American oil imperialists would not be able to stop the price of oil and natural gas from rising and thus would not be able to prevent the speedy institutionalization of alternative sources of energy that the European and American public is demanding.
Mind you, the Bush regime’s Middle East policy is only temporary as the pipelines from Central Asia and the Caspian sea now under construction in Azerbaijan and Armenia, which has recently allowed the Bush regime to begin selling weapons to these two nations once again. In the case of the Afghan/Enron pipeline, the final stages of planning before construction can begin are completed, including the signatures of Afghan interim, (US hand picked) leader Karzai and Pakistan’s Hunta leader Musharaf on the US drafted Afghani-Pakistani pipeline agreement. By the time the Bush regime thinks it will have out maneuvered the Arab oil states Arafat will be dead or expelled from Palestine and Sharon’s hand picked Palestinian leadership will have been put in placed to accept a different kind of occupation or at least so goes the policy plan.
With the oil and gas developments in South and Central America, which have and will come at the expense of enormous amounts of blood shed, coupled with that of Central Asian and the Caspian sea oil and gas supplies, the American and European oil imperialists will be able to ensure that fossil fuel supply economies are set up in the third world and that cheap oil and gas keep flowing to Europe and America out maneuvering American and European public support for reducing our dependency on fossil fuels by resting control of the price of oil from the hands of the Arab oil states by simply putting more oil and gas in the market place than the Arab oil states can. With everyone completely terrified of the violence displayed by the US and the loose talk of battlefield nukes the Arab States can only submit or at least so thought the Bush Energy Plan. But it could be quite possible that the Arab oil states could attempt an oil embargo in response to the Bush malaise over the Israeli occupation of Palestine as former national security advisor Zbigneiw Brzezinski put it on CNN. This would play directly into the Bush regime policy and would aid American and European monopolization of the oil and gas supply by allowing Russia to become even a greater player as they have just become the number one supplier in the world. Europe and America could tell the Arab oil states to go suck wind.
This policy can also explain the Bush regime’s lust for Alaska oil and gas and the opening up of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. As long as over whelming amounts oil and gas go into the global market place from sources controlled by the European and American oil imperialists and backed up by overwhelming military force and as long as the Arab oil states are viewed as a source of terrorism, the financial and territorial future of the oil imperialists is assured.
And if anyone out there thinks that the completely dependent on oil and gas revenue Russians will put up a stink you’ve been at the paint chips again. Bush and Putin weren’t talking about missile defense down on the ranch in Texas. They splitting up the oil pipeline profits so Putin could buy himself some more Berlosconi media advise.
Just as Bush and Sharon did not expect Prince Abdullah’s proposal they did not expect that peace activists would march into Arafat’s blown out offices and join Arafat in his Israeli imposed state of siege. These two feudal Lords, Bush and Sharon are painting themselves into a corner they will not be able to get out of while saving face at the same time. They will continue down this path of destruction because they believe that no one will stop them . This is the problem with the feudal mindset, it makes assumptions that people are afraid of them and will surrender to the threat of violence. The greater problem with feudalism is that it inevitably leads to genocide and the destruction of the environment. As long as the Arab states feel threatened by the European and America feudal lords they have no reason to embrace democracy as it has been seen to many times that America and Europe do not believe in democracy and only use it as window dressing to their own public as a means to take feudalistic control of a weaker nations resources.
So therefore monopolistic control of the world’s energy supply is not possible in a world of peace and justice. Only war can guarantee an energy monopoly and only war can assure US aid, housing and water monopolies for the Israelis.
Lloyd Hart