Climate justice activists visit 2nd London Kyoto carve-up conference
Sweetie Pie | 19.03.2002 22:37
The conference - held at Holborn's Kingsway Hall Hotel - made no bones about its sense of priorities, seeing as it was called 'Profiting from Opportunities Presented by the Kyoto Mechanisms', and featuring the quote 'Position yourself to grasp the outstanding opportunities offered to business and finance by the Kyoto Protocol'. So it's true then - Kyoto isn't about saving the planet, it's about opening up a majestic new market in carbon, designed to whet the jaded appetites of global markets and their ivory-towered beneficiaries. This event featured presentations from Arthur Andersen, EU, Swiss Re, WWF,, Shell, Friends Ivory & Sime, KPMG, 'The Environment Business' (don't know who they are, but they sound dodgy), and Ernst & Young. What a rogues' gallery, eh?
By the way, Pie in the Sky is an action group committed to grassroots climate change solutions that don't involve emissions trading and other market-based mechanisms, and it's part of the Rising Tide UK network, (see for more details.) Pretty soon we'll have a basic guide to what this emissions trading really is, as well as why we're against it, and where we see the solutions - keep an eye on the site, or send us an email to have a copy sent to you directly, either in the post or on email without the snappy graphics.
A fortnight ago, the same group disrupted a similar conference called ‘Emissions Trading Schemes: Objectives, Implementation and Future Opportunities’. The report is on the IMC UK main news page.
After all, privatisation of the atmosphere is like the privatisation of other essentials like water, health, education and transport, and needs to be nipped in the bud before it gets properly established...
See you all again soon, folks.
Yours up in the air,
Sweetie Pie
Sweetie Pie
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