Ana Sounds Anal
Bob | 17.03.2002 01:39
by Bob 8:57pm Sat Mar 16 '02 (Modified on 9:44pm Sat Mar 16 '02)
address: nn phone: na na
It's enough that "Gonzo" is probably involved in the removal of these articles, esp. "RBD" Id=25220. Let this mouthy critter identify himself. Is he from Ithaca area? He is a moron. He cannot write a coherent paragraph. I am a Canadian. Why are you letting morons rule the wire?
My Daddy said that the havoc of Bush Daddy Tribe is so extensive that it is the same as having a "monkey in the works". In addition to the 7 or 8 IMC sites in this country that remove my articles from the listings, it seems like many of the other sites are having bogus pages minus my articles inserted in place of the legitimate pages. This is evident when you access a site or a page, and the requested page makes a double appearance in the first second that the page appears. The second appearance of the requested page is the bogus page, and sometimes you can get the genuine page to appear by reloading it. Not only is Ohio Valley IMC still inaccessible to me, but for five months or more a pornographic site has also been appearing every time that I try to access OV IMC. As a result of this blockage of my articles, I have been visiting chat rooms and informing people of what is happening and how to access these articles on Global IMC. In addition to the senseless babble that permeates these rooms (2 Tim. 2:16); I sense how chat rooms could become traps that catch men (Jer. 4:22; 5:26) when victims are singled out in private chats via the use of restricted access codes and preassembled profiles that make the victim feel comfortable with malicious people. I had some success in reaching people on New York Chat only to return to find that chat had been made completely inaccessible to me. In student chat I found those who were probably the bogus students occupying computer labs (147306), pretending to talk foreign languages and behaving like complete morons (Titus 3:9-11). As for the "sex sex sex, hump it to death" scenario in chat rooms, I kept telling them, "Get a dog!" If you're looking for love, get a dog! On the other hand if you're looking for a heterosexual female who moans and groans, kicks and screams, and giggles and wiggles; you might find her; but it'll probably be late some night. In general the Internet still works, but you have to learn to avoid "dead ends". IMC is inaccessible here at the beginning of each day; but even at such times you can get direct links to some of my articles by searching on Google for the topics that I have addressed. Yesterday I found a direct link to last weeks article on the third page of sites for "coprophagia in humans"; however today it had been replaced by an older article of mine on coprophagia. Thus Bush Daddy "covers his ass" (Rom. 1:18-32).
There are many other ways that the perversions of Bush Daddy Tribe are made manifest in our daily lives. The Coprophagic Pro-Gay Zionistic Mainstream Media focuses on news that "No Body Is Going to Do Nothing About.." Id=41739. Rather than focus on the probable domestic terrorism that produced the plane crashes of 9/11 (139628), they would prefer for you to focus on crimes like the Kennedy assassination or the Bush bootlegging business; i.e. crimes where the "trail has grown cold". They portray Semites trying to promote anti-Semitism on the chance that you will embrace anit-Semitism without considering how the Turko-Mongols became Semites (36936). In spite of the published general knowledge that I have revealed in my writings about things like Asthma, Asbestoes, Anthrax, and AIDS (124412 & 143109), the media still behaves like such things have never been proven (1 Tim. 6:20-21). Of course the petroleum poisoning from the coal-gas fiasco is still a taboo topic a hundred years later (73601). Rather than address the lawless conduct of the Secret Service, the media only publicizes lawlessness in the CIA and the FBI, i.e. organizations that have some positive attributes (Titus 1:10-12). In another apparent "blunder of truth" by the media (42638, 43171, 62371, & 132033), the "Justice Story" of the New York Daily News (3/10/02) had a picture of the Town Messiah wearing a badge in the 1980s while bringing in one of the Weathermen. Hopefully police everywhere are asking: "How can this guy be wearing a badge with no education whatsoever?" Having tried in vain for 15 days to get my new "real estate" company (128276) to acknowledge the amount received for retroactive Section 8 housing payments, I told my payee that if some schmuck like the Town Messiah abducted me, resulting in 15 months of unlawlful hospitalization; what's the point in letting real estate engage in lawlessness? Bush Daddy said that this had the Town Messiah running around the mental health center talking about "some schmuck"; thus "some schmuck is on the "tip of everyones tongue" over there. Last weekend hackers apparently denied me funds for an EBTransaction; but I was able to make an off-line purchase on the second try when I verified that an adequate balance had appeared on the screen for a split-second. This is a continuation of a form of aggravation that started in the 80s at Gallaudet University where they shut down the ATM over 500 times while I was trying to use it. As you can see, Bush Daddy Tribe takes great delight in both their perversions that aggravate people and their perversions of the truth that promote their perverted form of Zionism.
Now will come the time when the unsuspecting victims of Bush Daddy Tribe's coprophagic child-rearing practices will say to Bush Daddy Tribe, "They can stay here no longer" (Eccl. 10:11; Lam. 4:15; 147306). Some of them will take up the sword to make justice roll on like a river (Amos 5:24; 136536). Others will become part of the alien tribe of Joseph (45696 & 93606), which will drive Bush Daddy Tribe to the ends of the earth (Deut. 33:17). Could this be the "rebellion" spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3? I have always wondered why some Bibles call it "the great falling away". Were the Turko-Mongols planning to desert the "Serpent" that is Zionism (132033)? Bush Daddy Tribe has really set a trap for their own lives (Prov. 1:18). These people who were unknowingly force-fed feces when they were children, resulting in the mental impairment that allowed them to be manipulated by the moronic authoritive conviction of Bush Daddy Tribe, are not going to put up with it any more! Meanwhile Cornell's Trustees are up on the hill, probably talking about raising the tuition to support the massive incompetence of brain-damaged coprophagists. Hopefully Canada's "Duddley DoRight" is up there assuring them that coprophagists make good fertilizer and that there will be money to spare. Bush Daddy Tribe will have succeeded in getting rid of the people who have problems when they get rid of themselves. Then the fool will be called noble no more (Is. 32:5). Let the illiterate morons of Bush Daddy Tribe know that this report confirms that "Everything is just fine!"
All (numbers) are for referenced articles on; i.e. Global IMC. To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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