Reclaim your media! - Rome 16 March 2002
breakthenews | 16.03.2002 14:59
- 18.30 GMT: Under the control of a police helicopter the demo has reached the Colosseum and is turning into a massive party. Sound systems keep pumping music and news while videos are beamed on the walls of the buildings.
Along the route of the demo walls are covered with graffiti and Indymedia posters.
More than 20.000 people have converged to Piazza Esedra for the Reclaim your media! demo in Rome.
The demo has now moved in carnival atmosphere from Piazza Esedra and will reach the Colosseum for a final event that will include a live radio link with Barcelona and Buenos Aires.
Several sound systems are alternating music and Radio Gap programs with breaking news from Barcelona.
A big truck hosts an Indymedia center with many computers and public access points where people are able to upload news from the streets.
The action has been called after 4 Italian social centres, allegedly housing indymedia centers, were raided by the police on Feb 20th. In the operation the police have seized audio and video material referring to the anti-G8 actions in Genova last summer and confiscated computers, archives, and equipment needed by hundreds of Italian activists for daily cultural and political activities.
In Italy the attack on independent information has also involved Radio Onda Rossa - an independent radio station in Rome, a node of Radio Gap network. On January 22nd, the ministry of communications has officially notified that its broadcasting license will be revoked.
Solidarity actions with indymedia are being held in Washington DC, Switzerland, Brasil, Barcelona, San Francisco, and many other places.
Background information:
• Indymedia Italy
• Indymedia Under Attack! (italian/english)
• Call in defence of independent information and freedom of expression. (english)
• Call for action to support Radio Onda Rossa (italian/english/spanish)