Detentions Barcelona 15/03/02
pocahontas | 16.03.2002 09:15 Barcelona EU
- Today, in the early morning, during a solidarity action with the basques prisonners Avenue Diagonal, 6 persons were arrested and brought to the police office. The six of them are men, and from the Basque Country.
- Near twelve o'clock, a man from Madrid has been arrested in Sant's neighborhood. He was arrested after having been violently identified by the National Secret Police. He has been liberated this afternoon, by default.
- Ramblas. Today at 1:00 PM, at the concentration of people that was happening on the Rambla, 9 persons were arrested. One Swedish, one Hollandes, one Slovena, one French and five from Spain. One of them is treated at hospital, and according to police sources, was hit by a car. Until now, the majority of the hospitals has refused us any type of information. It appears that this order was given by the Spanish Interior Ministry.
Beside those 9 persons, between Princesa's Street and Commercio's Street, 4 people were arrested, 3 boys and 1 girl, that have for the moment disappeared. It is sure that they have been arrested, but we haven't got any more information other than that they have been seen in a National Police's van.
At the Sagrada Familia, 4 boys, one catalan, two german and one english, have tied themselves to the church's structure with a rope, trying to do an action which consisted in putting some banner. They have also been arrested.
- Finally, the demonstration that was called for 7:30 PM in Gracia's neighborhood has ended, for the moment, with 4 arrested people, 2 men from Elx, Valenciano's Country, and 2 men from Catalunya. For the moment we haven't got any news about seriously injured people, but we do have about several big contusions on people assisting to the demonstration. The latest news from Gracia's neighborhood say that it is now more quiet, they aren't so many policemen, but they are still a lot of policemen in plain clothes. Last news from Gracia: two participants of the demonstration have disappeared (one of them may be seriously injured). Refering to the seriously injured today (9 persons), one of them, a girl from Slovenia, has entered the Hospital del Mar, with an opened fracture of the tibia. The police version is that she has been hit by a car. For the others, there has been skull traumatisms and several contusions, due to the hard blow given by the police during the actions. The last news arrived here say that there aren't going to be more cases given to the justice till sunday, and that this same sunday there is a concentration of people planned at 12:00 pm at the doors of Barcelona's courts, and at the encounter of Luis Company's Street with the Ciutadella's Park.
LAST HOUR: the hospitals are giving us a phone number where nobody answer until monday. In other words, they refuse to communicate.
LAST LAST HOUR: there is a french girl who disappeared, who was seen at the Sagrada Familia's action, but can't be found anywhere now.