PROOF of NESARA & White Knights; Pix of Small Plane Hitting Pentagon 9/11
By Dove Posted by Gary Larrabee | 13.03.2002 12:18
PROOF of NESARA & White Knights; Pix of Small Plane Hitting Pentagon 9/11
Wed, 13 Mar 2002
doveofo] PROOF of NESARA & White Knights; Pix of Small Plane Hitting Pentagon 9/11
Hello Dear Friends,
A friend of mine called this morning who sells multi-million dollar homes in the Southwest. He mentioned that he is hearing from stockbrokers and bankers that what Dove is saying is TRUE about NESARA and the new U.S. Treasury Bank system being ready to be announced.
Last November I asked the members of the Dove egroup to DO THEIR OWN CHECKING and CONFIRM for themselves that what I'm saying is TRUE. Below are several emails I received from people who spoke to bank officials who confirmed that the new U.S. Treasury Bank system under NESARA is FACT. If you have a PERSONAL friendship with Bank
President or stockbroker in the U.S., YOU can also verify that they have been informed of the new U.S. Treasury Bank. Most of them have had to sign an agreement to keep this information secret until the announcement, however, so you must have a CLOSE personal relationship and they must trust you before they will admit the U.S. Treasury bank
system is ready and they are just waiting for the announcement.
The FACT that the new U.S. Treasury Bank system is READY and most U.S. bankers and stockbrokers know this is PROOF that the White Knights have been working hard to get NESARA ready and announced. There is ZERO ZERO ZERO other law that enacts the new U.S. Treasury Bank; ONLY NESARA exists to bring this forth.
I also remind you that the Bush gang has been yelling loudly about all kinds of "terrorist threats" that have FAILED to happen. WHOOOOOO is stopping these terrorist threats? OBVIOUSLY someone is stopping them. PROOF AGAIN that the White Knights and Forces are hard at work stopping these threats against all of us.
I understand that the Bush gang is now saying there are terrorist attacks possible on chemical plants; the Bush gang should know since they planned these attacks. However, these attacks also are being stopped before they can happen. The White Knights in action and PROOF that the White Knights are protecting all of us.
In case you've failed to consider it, IF the Bush gang could take credit for saving our country from these terrorist acts, they would. However the Bush gang's whole strategy is to TRY to SCARE Americans into giving Bush Jr. his dictatorship powers and they are trying to do this by causing terrorist attacks to whip our people into fear. However, the Bush gang are FAILING in all their attempts to terrorize our country because the White Knights and Forces are STOPPING all these terrorist acts before they can happen.
The Bush gang got away with ONLY 9/11 their terrorist acts against our country. I told you last week that the Pentagon had been attacked by a SMALL plane. Below is another absolutely AMAZING website SHOWING the SMALL PLANE hitting the Pentagon on 9/11.
This video shows a small white airplane streaking into the Pentagon followed by a big explosion. I'm told the plane had a very carefully calculated payload of explosives on it which exploded on impact. I'm told that this small white plane was being piloted and controlled REMOTELY by a highly sophisticated technology in the hands of an expert working for the corporation which developed the technology.
This video is the final nail in the coffin of the Bush administration's LIES that the Pentagon attack was caused by terrorists. This video is PROOF of what I have been saying. I was unaware anyone had a video of this when I posted my report last week stating that the Pentagon was hit by a small plane. This SMALL PLANE was remotedly controlled to hit the EXACT LOCATION of the just completed White Knights' Communications Center at the Pentagon which was coordinating the White Knights' U.S. Military activities and the
Emergency Broadcast System linking all networks in to carry the NESARA announcement Greenspan was set to make at 10 a.m. EDT on 9/11.
Now, let me summarize a FEW THINGS I have written about in my Dove Reports in the past BEFORE ANYONE ELSE came out with this news:
1) I stated LAST SUMMER that the Bush gang were trying to steal our prosperity funds for a "war" they wanted to start;
2) I stated last September that the anthrax mailings were being done by the federal government and coming out of a lab in Maryland, Ft. Detrick to be exact;
3) Last Fall, I stated that bank personnel had been informed about the new Treasury Bank system and then several of YOU confirmed this for yourselves;
4) I reported last week that Pentagon had been attacked by a SMALL plane and now we have all kinds of PROOF that this is true;
5) I stated that the White Knights and Forces have been working to get the new U.S. Treasury Bank System ready and now we have Stockbrokers, in addition to bankers, reporting that this is true;
6) I've reported that the White Knights and Forces have STOPPED the Bush gang's terrorist attacks since 9/11. YOU CAN SEE with your own
eyes that SOMEONE is stopping these attacks.
There are many other things I have reported that are now coming out in the news and in the questioning people have about 9/11 and the truth about the Bush administration. I'm told that ABC aired a special on Sunday evening which included many unanswered questions and comments about things I have reported in the Dove reports which
show the Bush government's stories are lies.
When I tell you the WHITE KNIGHTS and NESARA are FACT, I have the PROOF to back up what I am saying. All you have to do is pay attention and it's right in front of your eyes. And thank Heaven the White Knights and NESARA are TAKING ACTION on behalf of all of us. NESARA is our only hope for clearing the dark agenda out of power and out of our lives!
I'm making a point of the PROOF of NESARA and the White Knights for a reason: ANYONE who says that NESARA does not exist is EXTREMELY IGNORANT and MISinformed and LACKS any knowledge of what is going on in the U.S. banking system. ANYONE who says the White Knights do not exist is also showing themselves to be EXTREMELY IGNORANT. Now,
these people MAY either be just STUPID and ignorant, OR, they may be being USED by the dark agenda to try to convince you to do things that will cause you harm and to lose your prosperity funds. If you let IGNORANT, misinformed people tell you what to do, YOU WILL LOSE BIG TIME.
I have a PROVEN RECORD for being right about 99% of what I'm reporting. We have people in the prosperity programs who have CHECKED OUT what I'm reporting with top U.S. Senators (these prosperity members DOUBTED my Dove reports) and the Senators told these people that 99% of what I'm reporting is ACCURATE. Another person has a high United Nations contact to whom she showed the Dove reports and the U.N. official was shocked to find so much highly confidential information being published on the internet and
CONFIRMED what I write.
Folks, we are in VERY serious times. I'm giving you information to SAVE YOUR LIVES and keep your prosperity funds so you know who you can trust and what you need to consider when you make decisions. If you are letting ignorant, misinformed people used by the dark agenda to influence you, then you will LOSE. I've warned you. If you continue to listen to people who are putting out info for the dark agenda, you have only yourselves to blame when you LOSE your funds
and maybe your life. ANYONE who claims to have good sources and INSIDE info about our funding progress and is IGNORANT of NESARA is a FOOL or a deceiver – take your choice. Just remember after NESARA's announcement, WHO misled you and I suggest you avoid these people like the plague.
By the way, one of the people being used by the dark agenda put out a message which has WRONG info purported to be about me. As I said, this person is IGNORANT and being used by the dark agenda; she is WRONG again. And, when NESARA is announced, all of you will SEE how wrong this woman is and has been. I suggest you throw away all her messages and avoid taking any of her advice if you wish to be safe and keep your funds safe. I actually gave her the benefit of the doubt and believed she is just an ignorant person, but tonight I asked some more questions and found out that she is well aware she is
passing on information to help the dark agenda cause you to lose your funds. Her advice that you take your money offshore is a trap. If you followed her advice about EBiz, you LOST money. Her RECORD for accuracy and good advice shows she is giving out bad information and advice. WAKE UP, people, each of us are extremely wealthy and the dark agenda has many people they are using to try to TRICK and TRAP us.
As for the dark agenda at the Pentagon ballyhooing today about their new `nuclear weapon' – that's a CODED message to their WANING
supporters around the world who are expressing DOUBT that the Bush gang is going to be able to pull off their new world order domination plans. I'm told that MANY of those who have supported the Bush gang in the past are now demanding that the Bush gang make good on their promise to get a big war going. Today's message by the dark agenda
Pentagon group was a PLOY to try to convince their waning supporters that the Bush gang can pull off their plan. I'm told ALL the parties
the Bush gang was trying to convince to stay on the Bush team also read the Dove reports to hear the White Knight side of the story. The Forces have asked me to relay this message: the Pentagon's "new nuclear weapons" have been DISABLED and removed from action as of tonight. Therefore, you might as well QUIT supporting the Bush gang and join the White Knights while you still can.
Let's continue our prayers, meditations, and energy work supporting our White Knights, Forces, and all who are bringing us NESARA and our
prosperity. I will meet you for our group energizing at 10-10:30 p.m. EST and let's continue our unified focus:
"NESARA Now!!!! NESARA Now!!!! NESARA Now!!!! NESARA Now!!!!"
To JOIN the Dove egroup, simply send an email to:
And REPLY to Yahoo's request for confirmation.
Below is a letter from a man unknown to me named Dick Eastman who severely questions the bogus 9/11 Pentagon attack information and provides websites with pictures of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11. He mentions that the Office of Naval Intelligence was a target. My information is that some White Knights at the Pentagon,
including some connected with Naval Intelligence, did lose their lives and were targets of this 9/11 attack as part of stopping the White Knights' activities supporting NESARA's announcement set for 10 a.m. on 9/11. Some of the most active people in getting things done for NESARA and taking action to move our prosperity funding and money toward us are our White Knight Navy Seals as I have stated in the past. We have many courageous White Knights in Special Forces and other U.S. Military units to whom we literally owe our lives for their constant actions to protect us.
I have a RECORD for accuracy as you can see from the BRIEF summary above. However, I also tell you HOW to check things out for yourselves and I encourage you to do this. I gave a list of 10 ways people could check out what I'm saying for themselves in November and some people did. That's why I received the CONFIRMATIONS below in
November. I encourage all of us to do CRITICAL thinking and our own research where possible. My thanks to all of you who have done your own critical thinking and sent me the interesting articles and emails I use in the Dove reports. TOGETHER, we are VICTORIOUS!!!!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness
The Dove egroup currently has 6,911 members.
Overview of the fight against terrorism
By Dove Posted by Gary Larrabee