Give QC Basil McIvor a helping hand
bernadette mary | 12.03.2002 22:13
44 Manse Road
Belfast BT8 6S
Asking that in light of the recent Sunday People, news story concerning the son of school governor QC Basil McIvor's son Johnathan McIvor, former Metropolitan policeman and head of the investigation into the RACIST murder of teenager Stephen Lawrence, being severely critised and chastised for the mishandling and mismanagement of the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation, we as the general public are concerned about Johnathan McIvor's father QC Basil McIvor's ability to promote equality of educational provision and the true ethos of integration without prejudice, in light of recent newspaper revelations about QC Basil McIvor's sons right wing sympathies. We as the general public are also concerned about school funds being diverted into funding the personal protection of said QC Basil McIvor, in the form of expensive CCTV and bodyguards when these funds should be directed into the education of children at lagan college instead. We are concerned that school funds are being used in public relations exercises to promote QC Basil McIvor's interests to the detriment of the educational provision for children at Lagan college. Also in the event of the appearence of a future news story about school policy which may appear racist, such as the story of a 1st year girl pupil at lagan college who was sent home last year for having an afrocaribbean type hairstyle, these stories may reinforce speculation about QC Basil McIvor's right wing tendencies which appear to be superimposing themselves onto the ethos of lagan college and may bring the liberal and proggresive concept of integrated education into disrepute. We as the general public wish that equality of educational provision irrespective of a child's social, religious or political parental background is provided at Lagan college and are concerned that QC Basil McIvor's right wing political leaning may interfere and influence school policy and the educational treatment of children at Lagan college. So in light of the above we wish you to use your impartial influence to ensure that a child's right to educational provision and educational achievement irrespective of their parents social,religious, and political background is upheld at Lagan college. We wish to advise you that these ideals would be best achieved by the removal of QC Basil McIvor from the Lagan college board of governors.
bernadette mary
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