Uprising in Argentina - film and discussion
SchNEWS | 07.03.2002 16:58
Uprising in Argentina - film and discussion
SchNEW is holding an evening of film and discussion about recent events in Argentina, on Monday 11th March, at 8pm at the Albert pub in Trafalgar Street.
Argentina hit the news spectacularly in December last year, when its people took to the streets in fury after a state of emergency had been declared by the president: the next day the cabinet had resigned, the president had fled and thirty were dead, killed during rioting and food looting.
Since then, Argentina continues to live through a transitional time in which anything could happen; protests, road-blockings, and daily 'cacerolazos' (pot-banging protests) at the Supreme Court, Congress and at city centre banks have become a fact of life. As President Duhalde struggles to control a bankrupt economy and furious savers attack the banks in which their savings have been frozen, questions are being asked in Argentina and all over the world about the country's economic model and its heavy reliance on the IMF and overseas investors.
The film to be shown on Monday was shot on the streets of Buenos Aires during the protests of the 19th and 20th December - protests which turned to rioting as the police carried out a brutal repression. Made by 'Argentina Arde', a group of independent film-makers, photographers and journalists, the film will be followed by a short talk by someone recently returned from Buenos Aires, and open discussion. Everyone is welcome.