Freedom to the Sistas Inside! Abolish All Prisons!
WomenSpeakOut Collective | 05.03.2002 00:29
Noise Demo in Solidarity With Women Prisoners
When: International Women's Day, March 8th
Where: Main Gate of Holloway Prison, Holloway, North London, 2pm(nearest tube Holloway Road).Please look this up in an A to Z if poss
What time: 2pm
International Women's Day sees both women and some men, show their solidarity with one another the world over. The female prison population is climbing higher and higher by the week - just recently a judge sent down a 19-year-old woman for 10 years for smuggling cocaine from Jamaica to the UK. She had a child aged 1. Drugs mules make up the majority of women prisoners in this country. Many are forced into risking their liberty for the sake of a better life, money to buy food to feed their children, money to survive.
Another woman from Bradford was also jailed last week for a total of 4 years - one for every one of her children, now all taken into care. Her crime? Throwing bricks at coppers attacking demonstrators during the Bradford riot (uprising) last summer.
All crime is political and the entire history of the prison system is the story of the growth of an institution designed to repress, coerce and intimidate the skint and struggling - the working class - and to protect the stolen land, property and power of the ruling classes. Who are the ruling class? The Ruling class means the deciding class - they who make crucial life or death decisions over people's lives - who gets to chose whether they want to get pregnant or not, have sex or not, a family or not, who is a good mother or not, loses their job, what children should learn in school, who is too stupid to work, who goes to jail, who is a criminal, who eats what, who should live where, who should be exposed to which GM experiment, radioactive cesspit, radiation crackling phone mast, who goes to war and why - the list goes on and on.
Holloway is the biggest all-women prison in the UK - soon to be challenged by a new female only prison in Ashford, Middx, which opens its doors in 2004. Women's prisons are set to be a growing trend with the UK's entire prison population now reaching beyond 70,000 and the HomeOffice ordering the errection of at least 4 more 'Super Prisons' capable of holding over a 1000 inmates. Prison for women, especially mothers, is hell on earth. All prison and separation from children and loved-ones is hell, be it a weekend prison, 'open' prison, or secure unit.
Freedom and Justice for the fitted up - Samar Alami we remember you! Assata Shakur, Pamela Afrika, all the MOVE sisters, all our UK animal rights, anti-nuke, anti-capitalist prisoners of the class War, all those seized by the state for struggling against oppression - we stand by you.
Come out and join us in our demo at Holloway - we want to show the sisters inside, and let them hear, loud and clear, that they are not alone.
Calledby: WomenSpeakOut -radical DIY anarcho-feminists and anti-capitalist women collective
For further details call: 07985 365 992
This action kicks off a weekend of workshops, discussions, film showings and constructive larking for the International Women's Day WomenSpeakOut at The Radical Dairy (autonomous social centre, 47 Kynaston Road, Stoke Newington, Hackney) Creche facilities available - please call and tell us if you'll be bringing children and their ages.
WomenSpeakOut Collective