International Gathering of "Plan Colombia" Opponents
Militante | 03.03.2002 03:22
Resist the imperialist onslaught and propaganda campaign against resistance.
"The name of our country is America" - Simon Bolivar
International Gathering of "Plan Colombia" Opponents
International Gathering of
Plan Colombia Opponents
March 4th & 5th
at the National Autonomous University (UNAM)
Translated by The Narco News Bulletin
The 2nd International Gathering of Solidarity
and for Peace in Colombia and Latin America
March 4th and 5th, Mexico City
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Laureate; Bishop Federico Pagura, of Argentina, President of the World Council of Churches; Ahmed Ben Bella, Presidente NOR-SUD XXI and former President of Algeria; Profesor James Petras of New York State University, Doctor Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, Mumia Abu-Jamal, political prisoner in the United States; R. James Sacouman Professor of Acadia University Wolfville, Nova Scotia; Henry Veltmeyer, Professor, Saint Mary's University Halifax, Canadá; Heinz Dieterich, professor, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México; Luis Eduardo Garzón, union leader and Colombian presidential candidate for the Social and Political Front, and other adherents listed below.
1. Plan Colombia and its corresponding Andean Regional Inititiative bring anew the direct military intervention of the United States in the internal affairs of a sovereign Latin American state, the Republic of Colombia, in the manner of the Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt's corrolary, the destruction of the legitimate government of Salvador Allende in Chile, the continued aggressions against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the direct participation in the Central American wars and continued hostility toward Cuba with a criminal blockade in spite of annual United Nations resolutions.
2. That said intervention constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, and of the right of self-determination by peoples, and a threat to the peace and stability of the region.
3. That by its nature as counter-insurgency, Plan Colombia and its corresponding Andean Regional Initiative are led mainly against the civil population of Colombia and has as its immediate goal to destroy or neutralize the resistance by all social sectors who are opposed to the project of neoliberal restructuring of the Colombian and Latin American economies.
4. That Plan Colombia and its corresponding Andean Regional Initiative, in reality, is a military plan that involves the countries of the region - through the so-called Andean Regional Initiative - and compromises them with intervention led without a doubt toward control of the Amazon basin, affecting the sovereignty of the countries of the region. It places the consolidation, in Venezuela, of the process that Comandante Hugo Chávez leads in danger and affects the Central American countries involved in democratic development through paths other than war.
5. That Plan Colombia, as a war plan, is the principal obstacle to the search for solutions other than war for the Colombian conflict.
6. That it also causes the massive displacement of civilian populations from the assaulted areas to neighboring countries.
7. That the use of the most modern war technologies, including biological weapons against coca plantations, causes an unpredictable and serious danger for the ecology of the world's most important bio-diversity region, the Amazon.
8. That the plan for regional military intervention titled "Colombia" weakens the effort for good relations among neighbors and prepares war scenarios, creating uncertainty and anguish among the peoples of the region.
1. To convene international public opoinion and the democratic forces of the world to support and participate in the Second International Solidarity Gathering for Peace in Colombia and Latin America, to be held in Mexico City on March 4th and 5th of 2002.
2. To denounce and reject Plan Colombia and its annexed Andean Initiative as military intervention plans of the United States that negatively affect the peaceful co-existence, democratic stability and economic development of Latin American peoples and nations.
3. To promote the international solidarity by peoples and governments with the struggles of the Colombian people who seek a solution other than war for the social and armed conflict they suffer.
4. To generate possibilities of strengthening the bonds of friendship, integration and goodwill that allow for seeking development with social justice and peace.
5. To back the process of peace talks between the Colombian government and insurgent forces.
6. To support proposals of illicit crop substitution and the fight against narco-trafficking without resorting to war, because as an economic and social phenomenon it affects all of humanity.
At the "Simón Bolívar" Youth Camp
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
March 4th and 5th, 2002
Mexico City
List of Supporting Organizations and Individuals below
Organizing Committee
Political and Social Organizations of México:
Partido del Trabajo de México PT, Partido de la Revolución Democrática PRD, Partido Popular Socialista de México, Partido Popular Socialista, Movimiento de los Comunistas Mexicanos (PCM, PRS, PRP, PCR, PCM, MEP), PRT-Convergencia Socialista, Agrupación Política Nueva Democracia, Movimiento Mexicano por la Paz, el Antiimperialismo y la Solidaridad MOMPAS, MOMPADE, Movimiento Mexicano Juarista Bolivariano, Alianza Nacional de Trabajadores ANT, Central Unitaria de Trabajadores CUT, Movimiento del Sindicalismo Revolucionario
International Supporters:
Asociación Civil
Congreso Anfictionico Bolivariano
Arelis Perez
Circulo Bolivariano
Parroquia San Juan de Caracas
Raul C. Rojas C.
Cesar Montes
Comandante Guerrillero
Secretario General Adjunto de UNID
Alternativa Popular 1815
Espacio Solidario Corriente Izquierda
Frente Amplio
Asociación Colombiana de Estudiantes Universitarios
Athemay Sterling
Abogado Defensor de los Derechos Humanos
Antoni Marín i Segòvia
Escritor Presidente "Cercle Obert"
Iniciativas Sociales y Culturales de Futuro Valencia
José F. Naranjo
Communist Party of Greece Central Committee
Antonio Morales Riveira
Colombian resident of Paris
José Osmaro Murcia Ochoa
Manuel Jiménez Arango
Coordinador Nacional de Juventud Democratica del PRD
Nancy Eliizabeth Henriquez
presidenta de AMICA (Asociacion de Mujeres Indigenas de la Costa Atlantica)
y miembro del consejo Regional
Jorge Fedrick
Coordinador nacional del movimiento indigena
miembor del Consejo Regional Autonomo del Atlantico norte como jefe de bancada Nicaragua
José Miguel Hernández Mederos Dpto. RR.II / CTC Nacional.
Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
El Instituto Peruano de Asesoria y Desarrollo
Cecilio Soria Gonzales
Presidente IPADI, PERU
Rafael Jaén
Gustavo García,
Colectivo Radio Zapote
José Luis Risco Montalvan
Congresista Paritdo Unidad Nacional
Fausto Bertinotti
Secretario General Partido de la Refundacion Comunista
Rene Francisco Ortiz.-
juventud revolucionaria socialista
Pedro Martinez Pirez
Subdirector General de Radio Habana
Movimiento Popular Bolivariano(MPB)
Coordinadora Popular Bolivariana(CPB)
Fuerza Bolivariana de Mujeres
Televisora Comunitaria del Oeste Catiatve
Círculo Universitario Bolivariano de San Fernando de Apure
Movimiento Electoral del Pueblo(MEP )
Comité Apureño de Solidaridad con los Pueblos (CASOP)
Coordinador de Cultivadores de Coca y Amapola COCCA
Gregoria Flores
Organizacion Fraternal Negra Hondureña-OFRANEH
Eugenio Rolón, Alberto Bonzi
ciudad: Barranqueras
provincia: Chaco
país: Argentina
Mikel Korta
Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales de Batasuna
País Vasco
Jone Goirizelaia por BATASUNA (formación política de la izuqierda independentista del País Vasco)
Diputada vasca y delegada para América
Sindicato de Empleados de la Universidad de Costa Rica- SINDEU-S.O.
Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Costa Rica- CODEHU-
Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Ing. Alfonso Brito
Presidente del Frente Cultural Revolucionario
Jesús Albarez Amaya
Presidente del Taller de Grafíca Popular
Adolfo Díaz
Secretario del Centro de Estudio sobre el desarme y el proceso
Maestro Juvenal Herrera
Poeta Escritor e Investigador Social de Colombia
Nixon Franklin Padilla Rodríguez
Secretario General
Juventud Comunista Colombiana
M. Joaquim Miranda
président de la Commission du Développement et de la Coopération du Parlement Européen
Fausto Bertinotti
Secretario General del Partido de la Refundacion Comunista
Joaquim Lisboa Neto
Casa da Cultura "Antonio Lisboa de Morais" Biblioteca Campesina
Civil Society Internationalizes the Resistance