US risking war with Russia to control Caspian Sea reserves?
Bushwatch | 02.03.2002 05:44
Over on Lou Dobb's Moneyline though, everyone assembled was staying reliably on-message: the retired general on hand said that 'with this new global war without boundaries, we have to be able to send American troops everywhere our interests are threatened.' Elsewhere, another said 'We may have to protect Georgia from Russian invasion;' while yet another said, 'Russia doesn't really mind, they just have to protest for political reasons.'
Notice the increasing distance already admitted from any actual 'terrorist threat' - our 'interests' can be threatened in many ways other than by terrorists: by good old-fashioned geo-political alliances, historic vested interests, basic economic competition; but now we're claiming justification to intervene militarily against any and all such 'threats.' The United States is already in the process of building 13 permanent bases in 9 countries of Central Asia, with some 50,000 troops already on station. (And none to spare for peace-keeping in Afghanistan, so sad!) But as a Kazakhstan government official said to the Guardian this week, "The war on terror is just a pretext for America dominating our oil."
So Bush is making the big move - risking war with Russia to control the Caspian Sea oil reserves. Whether this is a justified strategic gamble, or simply an expression of impenetrable hubris, may be hinted at in White House press secretary Ari Fleischer's comments vis-a-vis Bill Clinton and violence in the Middle East. Bush White House agenda discipline is legendary, so we can safely assume that when he says that Bill Clinton's peace efforts were too strenuous, thus causing the current cycle of deepening violence in the Middle East, that he speaks the authentic thoughts of his bosses. This was the expressed White House thinking a year ago, in fact; that it remains so speaks volumes about the alternate universe this White House inhabits. It was just a few weeks ago that Shimon Peres, the Israeli Prime Minister at the time of Clinton's efforts, shared a stage with Bill Clinton in New York City and told the assembled crowd that if Clinton had had just a few more months in office, 'we would now have peace.' Most damning, it was also just a couple of weeks ago that the Washington Post broke the story of how the Saudi's were so livid last summer with Bush's do-nothing response to the escalating violence, they were at the point of breaking off diplomatic relations.
So there you have it - Peres giving unqualified praise to Clinton's efforts; the Saudi's giving a double-barrel shotgun blast to Bush's lack of effort. All this is known in the Bush White House, yet their opinion hasn't changed an iota from a year ago - they still maintain it's Clinton's fault. So it would seem there's nothing, literally nothing, that can penetrate the impenetrable arrogance of the George W. Bush White House. And whether in the White House briefing room or the far-flung outposts of attempted empire, pride goeth before a fall.
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