Bush Daddy Stupidity
Robert Meade "Israel" Deaf Messenge | 18.02.2002 16:19
Keep in mind that the stupidity of the Bush Daddy Tribe is not restricted to law enforcement. Not only does it seem like this stupidity prevails in every department or organization established in the past 30 years; but it also seems to prevail in older organizations like the Human Rights Commission where they seem to brag about doing one classic disability case per year, suppressing justice the rest of the time. All of these punk rogues support the punk rogue cops that make up Zion's Secret Police and vice versa (Ids=104469 & 109956). The same mindset that enables the side effects of the psychotropic medications of psychiatry to "usher" patients to the grave seems to prevail throughout medicine (Id=29650). Although there are some good physicians, the ultimate goal of medicine seems to be to create the illusion that patients are dependent on some medication and/or treatment for the rest of their lives. In the light of the probability that AIDS is caused by Anthrax (124412), that diphtheria was phosgene poisoning (80050), that petroleum poisoning is rampant (93606), and that the principle cause of asthma is asbestoes (60292); it is obvious that the pertinent facts about these afflictions are being concealed. As a result of my own experiences with a fractured leg (42982 & 43171) and psychiatry (25099 & 62371) and other medical happenings that I have witnessed (43985); I would seek holistic treatment over medical treatment for practically anything, and I would advise others to do the same if they asked me. Holistic is probably not called "wholistic" in order to make it sound more like religion. Although many of those providing holistic treatment, such as chiropractors, are denigrated as quacks, they have an education equivalent to that of a medical doctor minus the internship. They should be able to explain the physiological and metabolic manifestations of your problem and the proposed treatment down to the molecular level in order for you to understand the need to follow the prescribed remedy to any problem. Such discourse would be a welcome change in a world where the authoritive conviction of the stupidity of punk rogues and brain-damaged coprophagists (70672) seems to prevail.
Bush Daddy Stupidity also appears to reign throughout the air, where "fair is foul" and "foul is fair". Bush Daddy says that the former Air Force One helicopter that has been broadcasting chemicals on Ithaca for years now (104469)is here with the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration, and that is why the military can't do anything about it. Furthermore Bush Daddy says that the plane crashes of 9/11/01 were the result of tampering that left those planes radio-controlled from the ground. That explains the scarcity of information coming forth from the FAA, and the thousands of Storm Troopers combing the crash sites, probably to retrieve the radio-control devices. Thus out of the fabricated investigations, they fabricated a war to glorify Bush Daddy's illiterate kid as a war hero (62855, 64528, 65960, & 66464). I cannot locate what I have previously written about the micoscopic or miniature surveillance "bugs" that are utilized by the BDT. These "bugs" probably materialized with Bush Daddy's tenure at the CIA, and BD claims that these "bugs" have no moving parts and are run by radio waves, that they cannot be detected by sight , that they also include spheroid "bugs" that can be dropped anywhere, and that BDT "bugs" everybody's house, including other members of BDT (Prov. 4:19). The restricted airwaves that carry transmissions from these "bugs" must produce scenes that make BDT seem like a houseful of psychopaths, walking around carrrying concealed weapons and muttering veiled threats to one another (See Comedy Capers comment Id= 27971).
Along with the "..Depraved Dementia" Id=31133), Bush Daddy Stupidity has allowed the BDT to prevail. They love being threatened by their comrades to do evil, for they feel that makes them victims and justifies their evil. Keep in mind that when they try to efface Israel from being a nation (Ps. 83:4 Id=93509), they probably become guilty of the capital crime of genocide, for they are trying to destroy an ethnic group; i.e. a set of individuals whose identity is distinctive in terms of common cultural tradition. By the transgression of their lips, the BDT turns justice into poison (Prov. 12:13; Amos 6:12). Expose their folly and they will flee (Prov. 13:16). Those of the BDT who make it to Hooterville (29190) will probably be the lucky ones, for their stupidity has brought the "Dwelling of Violence" (Amos 6:3; Id= 44378) back on their own heads. Their stupidity has stirred up Israelites who are going to take up the sword never to put it down, knowing that they are going to perish by the sword themselves (Mt. 26:52). God bless the Israelites! They do not love their lives so much as to shrink from death (Rev. 12:11). They will be back here in a few years for the first resurrection (Rev. 20:5), and the earth will never be the same again because they CARED! When BDT embraced stupidity like it was part of their "covenant with death" (Is. 28:15), this stupidity became the equivalent of a religion that will have the BDT worshipping some Crazy Asinine Lowdown Fool as their Great Dead King (Hosea 10:3,15; Id= 120932). Nuff said?
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
P.S. Had a hard time posting this week. Friday they closed for "Staff Development Day". Last night Indy Media was totally inaccessible, except for San Diego; plus San Diego has removed this twice. Is that where the FAA is located?