Hackney cuts 50% of Freedom Pass applicants to date
Kate | 16.02.2002 05:45
February 15th 2002
A mobility unit has been set up by Hackney Council and Hackney’s Freedom Pass claimants are being "assessed" by occupational therapists. To date, (February 15th) out of 3000 applicants, only 50 per cent have been approved. However, of the 18 who appealed, nine have been successful to date. But this is a very distressing situation for people who depend on the Freedom Pass to travel to see friends, access vital resources such as education and health care; indeed have a life. Disabled people are traditionally poor and isolated. Hackney Council, by targeting those who are not even receiving cash help in the form of DLA, will exacerbate this and there will be casualties.
The Disabled People’s Freedom Pass - which gives people with disabilities free travel on bus, tube and rail in London - is under threat. Some London boroughs have already cut the freedom pass for people with mental health distress. In Hackney shortly before Christmas 2001, disabled people received a brutal letter stating that to qualify for a pass under new criteria they must be in receipt of the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance or provide supporting evidence from a medical consultant. Hackney Council says that the new criteria, which is effective immediately, is in accordance with the Transport Act 2000. Previously applicants only had to send a GP’s letter as proof of a permanent and substantial impairment.
The real truth is that the Council has deliberately misinterpreted the Transport Act 2000, which extends entitlement and includes those with variable and invisible conditions. These are the very people excluded from claiming Disability Living Allowance because of the Benefits Agency’s rigid criteria. Now they will receive no help with travel.
Why is Hackney Council taking this punitive action? The chronically under-funded borough is in financial crisis. Secretary of State for local government Stephen Byers has offered £25 million to bale out Hackney but the deal demands £13 million in cuts and a council tax rise of 10%. Councillors have defended the Freedom Pass cut by stating that there are too many pass holders in the borough. They claim that individual disabled people have telephoned to express support for their decisive action. This is the kind of divisive strategy used by central government to justify vicious benefit cuts, the notion that some people do not deserve even a basic level of assistance; that they are in effect fraudulent.
In fact disabled people are furious that a crucial resource is being removed and without any prior consultation with individuals or local groups. Under the banner of Defend The Disabled Peoples’ Freedom Pass a campaign is being organised which will link in with a big conference in Hackney against the wider cuts on March 2nd.
A spokesperson from the campaign said ; "Hackney Council’s Social Services has targeted £5 million cutbacks to hit some of its most vulnerable residents and assumes we won’t fight back. The cuts will affect members of the Afro Caribbean community, women, people living with AIDS/HIV, mental health system survivors, those with variable and invisible impairments and others already marginalised by discrimination and poverty."
Campaigners are planning a variety of strategies including direct action which will be discussed at a public meeting on Monday February 18th .Chats Palace, Brooksby Walk, Homerton, Hackney 6pm. "Disabled people have the right to travel freely. We are determined to defend this" they say.
For more information contact Kate Incapacity Action. Telephone: 01227 276159
email: incapacityaction@onetel.net.uk
Sanusie Sesay at Disability Hackney. Telephone: 020 7923 1962.
Email: hackneyfreedompass@lycos.com
Forthcoming website (under construction)
The campaign desperately needs money for things like transport, a signer, production and distribution of leaflets. Incapacity Action, itself an unfunded group, has donated a £100 but this barely covers the cost of a signer. We hope we can depend on your support. Donations should be made out to Hackney Council for Voluntary Service and sent c/o Sanusie Sesay, Disability Hackney (Freedom Pass Campaign), The Print House, 18 Ashwin Street, London E8 3DL. For more information contact Kate Adams 01227 276159,or Sanusie Sessay on 020 7923 1962. please email us at: hackneyfreedompass@lycos.com
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