A plan to redeem GR
Lentilshaper | 13.02.2002 10:52
All these debates aside, I propose that, although GR was set up 'post-Seattle' by the SWP as a way of drawing on all the 'anticapitalist' buzz and funneling it towards the traditional left, we now need to have a POSITIVE debate on the future of GR.
Or rather, the future of GR members. I know many, many people who have got involved in GR because it was a visible and active movement. Some of them have filtered though to more DiY-anarcho politics but such group are often hard to find, difficult to work with and are thus not *the solution*. I'm therefore proposing that we talk here about whether all of the energy and people collected together by GR can be liberated for positive action -- and how will this happen?
Can this front be reclaimed by the people who joined it in good faith? Can the rank and file take over GR? Do we need to set up a network of pissed-off GR members?
All I know is that there are hundreds (at least) of people out there who joined GR in the hope of doing some cool shit; then the anti-war bandwaggon started and all the SWP's energy went into that instead.
I also propose that people only post comments that are directly related to how we get towards this solution.
SWP/WP Green Party denials that GR is a front need not apply. Anarcho-refusenik comments about how fucked up it all is need not apply.
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