Solidarity Cacerolazo in Bankfurt (Germoney)
Igor Krassic | 09.02.2002 17:26
Today, Saturday, February 9th, 2002 a "spontanous" action of solidarity with the struggling people in Argentina took place in Bankfurt (Germoney). At noon, about 70 opponents of capitalism gathered in front of the central train station, at a place where homeless and addicted humans are normally molested and maltreated by the regime's henchmen. Armed with banners, banging pots and kettles (cacerolazo), the demonstrators voiced their dissent with the policy of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), "World" Bank and similar institutions of global exploitation and destruction, forced through by governments like the Argentinian or the German.
Initially, a selection of five or six vehicles of the cops plus a dozen "green ones" (coppers) tried to stop the protesters from starting their mobile sound system (a kinderwagen with amplifier and loudspeakers attached), as the action was not "registered" and none of the folks listening to Tango and tunes of resistance seemed to be officially in charge. After some negotiations, a "sponatanous" protest was allowed, so arriving robocops only had to protect heaps of stone.
The loud, fancy, and colourful demo made its way through the glass towers of evil, bypassing the Argentinian consulate, the European Central Bank, the major shopping mall (Zeil), Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and other gigantic symbols of global bloodsuckers, ending about 3 kilometers away at the "ExZess" (only autonomous centre of the city).
In a range of speeches, speakers drew attention to the real situation in Argentinia, where uprisings of hunger are taking place since more than two months. The poor are revolting against the supreme court, and every new government, they want to get rid of all rulers, finally trying to take their life into their own hands. "Medicine is kept away by the big pharmaceutical multinationals, for it can't be paid by the needy. According to reports, people already died after being refused to get their treatment of insuline. Furthermore it was stressed that "fighting poverty in capitalism always means fighting the poor." One example is the so called "reform" of health care and pension systems in this country (Germoney).
The manifestation ended with the slogan "No matter whether Duhalde in Argentinia or Schroeder (present governing puppet) or Stoiber (the ultra-conservative candidate for the post of German Chancellor) - they all have to go, no one should stay!"
As the "Noise Block" arose a lot of interest amongst people in the street, we hope that similar actions can be seen more often in this city.
Some Pesky Kids, Bankfurt, February 9, 2002
Igor Krassic