Enron & Argentina: Twin Towers of Capitalist Decline
vngelis | 29.01.2002 20:24
their votes and their recent Reichstag fire the Bush-Cheney team are
facing one corporate bankruptcy after another... Just as Hitler had to
bankroll the collapse of the German economy, so Bush-Cheney are
embarking on a war re-armament programme for the current needs of the
US transnationals.
Having created corporations out of thin air -Enron- by deregulating
the energy market they then proceed to bankrupt them to create
oligarchic monopolies after having looted not only the employees who
worked in these companies but those who had to buy services from them.
Having been directly implicated in the California energy crisis, Enron
has now been declared bankrupt. The repercussions of this will reach
beyond the US to countries as far as India.
Global imperialism is entering a period of decline unparalled in
The further deregulation proceeds the further one set of gangsters
attacks another set of gangsters. The state is in alliance with the
traditional wing of the oligarchy -the oil and war men- seeking ways
and means to avoid the historical impasse they are in. After spending
a decade declaring the end of the Cold War, the benefits of the
victory over 'communism' and the eventual peace dividend to be shared,
instead we get bank foreclosures in Argentina, blackouts in
California, mass migratory movements in China, currency collapses in
Turkey, impending war in the Middle East essentially the globalisation
of immiserisation another one of those fundamental features of
imperialist decline.
The get rich quick mentality of the deregulatory process is being
overtaken by a state led asset strip and crash the system mentality
which has no limits in the race to the bottom of the ocean.
Globalisation implies by its very nature mass dislocation, the
emergence of barter economies side by side with satellite
communications. Enron is as much a feature of bankrupt capitalism as
the closed doors of Argentinas capitalist banks.
A social movement of workers and farmers is required more than ever to
clean the filth and stench of capitalisms decline, before it sinks us
into oblivion. More and more layers are beginning to realise only a
dynamic break with the present order can halt this slide.