The Wise Investor & Trader Survival Plan For Greatest Return
Gary Larrabee | 24.01.2002 01:04
We understand that all the things of this city belong to other men who have and exercise all the power and control. The law's of this city demand that we obey them or depart.
We know though that the laws of this city are contrary and different than the laws of our own city. So we know that we cannot abide by these laws in the city where we dwell. If we were to obey these laws and afterwards return to our own city we would not be received, and we would be forbidden to enter the gates of our home land.
So in this city we are pilgrims from another land. So we only purchase what is necessary in this city, to supply our present needs. We are not burdened with any responsibilities that will hinder us from being ready at a moments notice.
We are always ready to move if we are driven out of this city. Because of our refusal to keep the laws of this city. The laws of this city are against the laws of our own city, where we know we will live in perfect joy and peace. We know it is wrong to live by the laws of this present city and we don't want to do anything against the laws of our own city.
So we always remember and remind each other to remember everything that is waiting for us in our own city. We help each other to keep in mind all the treasures and wealth that is waiting in our own city. So we must not forget to keep The laws of our city. The laws of helping and giving.
While living in this city, all the money that we would spend on stately home sand luxurious living, that is beyond our daily need is invested in the treasures of our own city. so we are looking for good investments, such as helping and giving food and clothing to those in need.
This is the reason we were sent to this city in the first place. We were not sent here to build wealth and purchase stately mansions. We were told to be wise investors and to spend our resources in permanent and longer term investments that will always give us a good return.
Our goal in this city is to use our talents and resources to be good ambassadors representing our own city. We are living according to the laws of our city so the people here can see what our city is like. We are showing the people of this foreign land how to invest and be good traders so they may also join us in our return to our own land.
We are showing the Rich and the prosperous man of this city that he is not able to enter the city where we belong and his city is headed for destruction. Since all his treasure is in land and buildings of this city how can he be a good trader and invest in the new city where we live.
This rich man is like a stately elm tree.
It is very impressive looking but it is not to be compare to even the lowly vine because there is no fruit coming from the elm tree. The elm tree is giving nothing for nourishment to eat. The vine on the other hand bears good and tasty grapes.
So the elm tree represents the rich people of the city here where we presently live and the vine tree represents the people of the city where we dwell while they are in this foreign city. The vine is lowly, but bearing fruit and the elm is lofty and bearing no fruit.
The rich lofty elm tree sees the fruit of the vine and decides that he wants to bear some fruit also. The elm tree is busy with all his branches taking in the sun shine that does not bear any fruit. He does not have time to bless even or give anything to any one.
The lowly vine takes what sunshine comes to him even after the sun has passed and shined the brightest on the branches of the elm.
The vine has no strength to rise, he is poor, but what fruit he does have is good.
The elm tree is envious he wants to bear fruit also and decides to make a deal. This is the elm tree's special talent that has made him proud and lofty.
The elm tree says, to the vine, I will invest my trunk and my branches into your work of being a fruit producing vine so that we may share all the benefits of bearing a lot more fruit.
The elm tree says, I am lofty and have many branches and you are a lowly vine underneath all my branches and you do not get much sunshine and your harvest of fruit is small.
So this is the deal I want to make with you says the elm tree. Wrap your vine around my trunk and climb up my trunk to my branches. Then climb out on a branch to the very end. Then I will reach to you with another branch that you can hang on to, so you can wrap yourself around that branch also.
I will make all my branches available to you. In that way you will be in the brightest sunshine and in the very best position to bear fruit. All the clusters of grapes will hang down from my branches, they will be protected from those on the ground that would try to steal the grapes.
The vine is thankful to the elm, and the vine begins to make his climb in fulfilling all that he had only hoped for and dreamed about.
When harvest time comes this single vine and the elm tree produce an abundant crop of grapes to make very fine wine for all of the city to drink. All the member of this present city will are able to taste the fruit of the vine and want to become producers of fine wine also. They even want to become like the vine and change the laws and promote the vine. The result is that all the people of this present city become members of our far city also.
The wise investor, the elm tree decides then to he wants to make other elm trees produce fruit with the vine so from his lofty position after harvest allows the vine to seed along with his seeds and the wind blows the seeds to gather in to another foreign city.
Where once the vine produced a small crop and the elm produced none. Now the elm far out produces even the vine because he has allowed the vine a lofty position also.
The Rich man had much earthly wealth but of the things of the Lord he was poor. The poor man was rich in spiritual things but poor in material things. God has blessed both the rich man in material things and the poor man in spiritual things that now in this generation the rich and the poor together can have great power in the Lord.
Now they are both made partakers of each others good works.
Giving and Sharing to receive
Gary Larrabee