Plaintext of the police monitoring in Indymedia
La Haine | 15.01.2002 17:43
In an action coordinated, apparently from the framework, Department of the Interior of at least 7 mass media of second order (Daily the Rioja, Logro6no; Newspaper the North of Castile; Ideal Newspaper, Granada; Newspaper The Provinces, Valencia; Daily Present Panorama, Valencia; Newspaper of Seville and Canal Nou, Valencia) has begun the campaign of attacks against webs of disinformation.
A supposed journalist of a supposed informative agency of Madrid signs the article used by all these means, in which she appeals to the language and the style of the articles that Inner distribute in their campaigns against the Basque left. The text, plagued of lies, hints without demonstration and attempts to relate to the disinformation to " the violent ones ", profusely uses terms like " sabotage ", " urban guerrilla ", " radicals antisystem ". All this although the little information (not manipulated) that it only offers speaks of to the meeting of 24 and 25 of November in Zaragoza (in that it was not spoken of sabotage nor guerrilla, to see /); week of social fight in Seville; day of civil disobedience in Barcelona. All these acts of citizen protest that, if they finish with violence, usually are by the provocations of the police.
Experts of Interior track the servers of Internet from where the groups antisystem prepare their protests
The fight by the security during the six months that Spain will preside over the UE has begun already, at least of virtual form in Internet. The information services of the Police and the Civil Guard have been raking for weeks the network to anticipate to the movements of the most radical activists antiglobalización than they try to sabotage the main acts of the presidency in Barcelona, Seville, Madrid, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela and Valencia.
EIGHT servers, plagued of directions and ' links' (bonds), are the pillar of the antisystem to distribute by all Europe calendars of the 20 main mobilizations and in, some cases, tactics of urban guerrilla.
" the information and the prevention are our main arms ", explains one of the experts of the National Police that from December is outstanding in workings of information in Internet. In the mind of all the people in charge of the Department of the Interior in charge of the security of the semester they are the serious disorders public of the last month of July during the meeting of the G-8 in Genoa and the " important failures in the unfolding of the Italian antiriots by the lack, indeed, of information ".
The controls of the Police do not create, " far from it ", that these events can repeat in Barcelona and Seville during the European advice of March and June, but in any case the Forces of Security follow very close by the movements of the radicals antisystem and, in individual, of the ' Black Bloc', the violent group that carried out the incidents of Genoa.
According to police sources, eight are the servers of Internet (with seat outside Spain) from which are organizing the protests - pacific and you do violence to against the presidency: ' Barcelona Indymediá, ' Global' Observatory, ' International Protest Shares', ' Nodo50 ', ' Shares the International of Estudiantes', ' Org' Rebellion, ' Lahainé and ' Without Dominió.
Vast built the framework for
From these vestibules, servers and pages - the computer science experts of the Forces of Security explain accedes themselves to a " vast half-framed one " of bonds, ' e-mails' and articles to inquire on the pacific protests, but also for the sabotages of the predicted acts. Through ' Nodo50 ', unknown groups offer to offer daily information through the electronic mail of all type of calls, some of them " invitations to the street fight " on one denominated " campaign against the Europe of the capital ".
Two of these spaces (' the Protest' International and ' Shares the International of Estudiantes') have served like channel the violent ones to organize some of the more violent protests antiglobalización like those of Genoa, Seattle and Davos and now distributes calls of the acts of the European semester. According to the experts of the Forces of Security, Belgian, Germans, Italian and French inquire through these instruments of future mobilizations.
' Contracalendarió
In some of the pages of ' Global' Observatory already is a detailed calendar of all the meetings of the presidency, accompanied by ' contracalendarió proposed in the state meeting of movements celebrated antiglobalización pasts 24 and 25 of November in Zaragoza and that was followed very close by by the Forces of Security.
This document, that has been used as it bases for the call by Internet of acts of sabotage on the part of uncontrolled groups of the network, fixes a twenty of places like scenes of the protests until the month of June. Among them, they emphasize " actions of denunciation and resistance against the Euromediterránea summit " of Valencia in April, mobilizations against the " meeting of the ministers of the war " in Zaragoza during 22 and 23 of April or " macromanifestations " agreeing with the European advice of Barcelona and Seville.
In the capital Andalusian - under the coordination of a self-appointed ' Movement of Global Resistance of Sevillá - the antisystem wants to by ricochet center their acts to the UE, after the degree of the protests has gone ' in crescendó during the semester. One ' week of fight social' must put the sour cherry to the acts of repulses to the presidency.
While, in the condal city the most violent acts are expected for Friday 15 of March, date in which the antiglobalización has summoned by Internet to a " day of civil disobedience ". However, from ' chats' (consultation forums) on the mobilizations antisystem one notices in English, French, Italian and German the foreign militants of which " the ca6neros " acts will be defined from the 15 of January.
Urban guerrilla and sabotages
the experts of security of the Department of the Interior have detected in some denominated spaces ' network of disinformation UE the 2002 ' diffusion of tactics of urban guerrilla and forms of sabotage to cause and to face the forces of Security that act during the concentrations.
According to the specialists, great part of these documents is reediciones of the information that already were distributed of profuse way in the weeks previous to the frustrated Summit of the World Bank of Barcelona in June of the last year, that ended up being suspended by the threat of disorders antiglobalización. In these information - to which it is not acceded through the well-known finders of Internet explain forms to arrive at the host cities of the European meetings and recommendations like the one are included to take care of the outer aspect and not to travel in organized groups to avoid the hypothetical border controls the previous days to the most important summits.
La Haine