Champion Fools
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel&q | 15.01.2002 16:54
My Daddy said that I should make sure that all of you are aware of what I added to the postscript of "Bush Daddy Tribe Defined" Id=115043. I suggested that readers might want to produce a "calling card" for the vigilantes if the land became littered with lawless ones (Jer. 9:22) and that this "card" might inform passersby that these lawless ones claimed to be His Holy Ones to be revived on the second day (1 day = 1,000 years?) (Hosea 6:2) or that "Buzzards gotta eat! Do not disturb!" (Jer. 34:20). Since you know that Bush Daddy Tribe includes all of those who support the "revolt of Jacob"(Mic. 1:5)(Id=102423) i.e. this perverted form of Zionism; you might want to call these lawless holywannabes: "Bush Daddy Champions" after you read this.
What is a champion? Well for several years after college I would go south to train with an Olympic-class team, and one of those years I ended up living with a mediocre swimmer from Spain. When this guy showed up to train, his mother came with him, and neither one of them could speak much english. When the coach tried to find out some of his times, his mother kept repeating over and over again: "He is the champion of Spain!", which seemed to be the only english words that she knew. Even though a mediocre swimmer was slower than slow in that pool, the mother's "champion of Spain" speech had proven to be so entertaining that the "champ" won a berth. Although I couldn't imagine my mother doing it, maybe such motherly "PR" could have countered the 30 years of slander at Cornell (Id=109956).
There are other ways to make a champion. As you should know, Bush Daddy was able to become more or less of a war hero when the Navy failed to shoot him in the water after he ditched his buddies in the Pacific (Id=111857). Since Bush Daddy's teeth (see his 1942 high school picture) apparently had the tell-tale black rot that indicated that he had been chewing his "power food" (Id=70672); the Navy apparently immediately pulled all of his teeth to make it look like he had been wounded, "touched in the head", or something like that. Since Bush Daddy immediately started wearing dentures to conceal this, his gums never healed up, and you never see him without dentures, for they cannot be removed except to clean them. Since "..Messiah Exarchou.." Id=62371 still has his teeth, they probably consider him to be a "champion", for it seems like he refrained from both sniffing and chewing his "power food".
In addition to the practice of denigrating and hindering true champions, described in the article mentioned above; the downfall of the 2000-2001 Cornell Football Team is a classic example of how far the lawless ones will go to thwart a champion. On 11/26/00 at the height of this team's championship run, I mailed "A Communication Glitch?" to 24 or more newspapers in eastern United States and Canada in an attempt to revive this team's hopes; but it seems like every single letter was stolen. In respect to the obviously sabotaged games of that season, I wrote: "..the lawless Jacob (i.e. Bush Daddy) bragged about how his Cornell renegades called Brown students and had them douse Cornell football players with sulphur by throwing it in the hotel hallways the night prior to the game. The next day Cornell was apparently asleep as they fell behing 40 points in the first half. Although Cornell woke up and scored 40 points in the second half, they still lost. Instead of charging Brown with first-degree assault and booting them out of the Ivy League, the football team was apparently silenced with threats of being locked up and asphyxiated for having delusions. Since this lack of action allowed the power of the renegades to continue, the lawless Jacob was able to brag when renegade police and students caused the same thing to happen in the dorms before Cornell's loss of the title game to Penn. Even though I let Cornell know that I had left a "door" open in Philadelphia, that Penn would not allow such assaults to happen, and that Penn would welcome the chance to beat Cornell in a fair game, nothing came of it. (Mic. 1:5; 2 Thess. 2:3; Prov. 24:12; Is. 29:10; Ps. 10:1-11; Prov. 28:28; Jer. 20:10; Gal. 5:7; Eph. 5:11; Rev. 3:8; Jer. 15:20; Ecc. 4:12)" Now a year after this calimitous football season, it has become apparent that the rogue police are at the forefront of making manifest Bush Daddy Tribe's assault on those who would be champions. Yesterday I sent a two page letter describing my 12/18/01 abduction to the "Honorable President Rawlings" of Cornell, and it seems like the letter was intercepted even though I sent it on four different feedback forms to different offices; thus one can see that these communication glitches are still unsurmontable at Cornell. Maybe Cornell needs its own IMC site.
The lawless ones have seemingly made an attempt to replace the true champions of athletics with bogus champions via pseudoathletics and pseudocommendations. The Messiah-wannabes and holy-wannabes of the Bush Daddy Tribe apparently excel in pseudoathletics via intramural sports, and Cornell allegedly recently won the National Intramural Title. I would like to know if many of the participants were rogue police and nonstudent members of Bush Daddy Tribe; but their names and pictures have probably been withheld to protect the guilty. In law enforcement and health care the Messiah-wannabes and holy-wannabes of Bush Daddy Tribe probably become "champions" by recommending themselves or one another for commendations, awards, and honors. This is like the "Morons America Style" Id=46750 in "Education of Fools.." Id=79546 grading their own test papers or slapping each other on the back to graduate. Although these holy-wannabes may succeed when they get the seal of "Bill" Id=24603, confirming that they are "Big Intelligent Lustrous Luminaries"; don't you be telling them that it is a fearful thing to be falling into the hands of the living God (Heb. 10:31). Don't be fooled by the champion fools! I suspect that folksinger Melanie Safka, who wrote the legendary "Baby Guitar", may have confused "Beautiful People" with "champion fool"; thus "..He may be sitting right next to you! ..He may be a "champion fool" too!" Keep your powder dry!
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
PS: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" (Is. 5:20). "The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks in them will know peace" (Is. 59:8). Because rogue police have falsely arrested me four times, they say that I am a criminal. Because I admit that I can read lips, they contend that I can hear (maximum proven transmission via lipreading is 15%; the rest is guesswork). Because of this the lawless ones should prepare to meet their God and their lies. Since like their Great Dead King, Bush Daddy, they claim that they are not going to die, we won't tell anyone if they are dead. "They're just having a bad day!" They have "..put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter..", using creative nonviolence (Id=33468) to masquerade as the meek ones to inherit the earth (Mt. 5:5). They moved against themselves when they moved on a deaf person like they did to me; thus "..their end will be what their actions deserve" (2 Cor. 11:13-15). I am His witness (Rev. 11; Is. 44:8)! I am His messenger (Is. 42:19; 49:1-9)! I am "Israel" (Is. 44:5)! That's no bull!
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel&q