imc-uk | 11.01.2002 14:07
this was broadcast on the web by Radio Bruxxels during the protests and is now being rebroadcast by Lavalamp Radio in Japan cause they liked it so much :>
Now the group are planning to make articles regulary once a month, hopefully the next one is going to be for the World Economic Forum protests in New York and the coverage of the World Social Forum in Brazil both of which are on the 31st of Jan to the 4th of Feb and people there are planing on streaming radio to cover both events.
The radio group intend to produce programs in mp3 form (we dont currently have the capability to stream hopefully that will happen in the future) and have set up a mailing list with the aim of bringing more people interested in audio together to share program ideas(making and facilitating), info and tec abilities The list is at
if anyone would like to contribute feel free to subscribe to the list.
This project is really exciting and already has links all over the globe with web broadcasters and F.M. stations and can only get bigger and better ! :)