Palestinian students make it to University
Andrew Wood | 29.12.2001 17:02
For immediate release 2.30 pm GMT Saturday 29 December 2001
Three hundred Europeans take direct action at University of Bir Zeit, near Ramallah in the West Bank
This morning, 29 December 2001, from 7.35 GMT (9.35 local time) about 300 foreign nationals, including fifty Britons [1] defied the Israeli army and it's teargas when they escorted Palestinian students past an army checkpoint into the University of Bir Zeit, in the Occupied Territories. Both students and teachers have been prevented from attending the University by the army checkpoint. The Internationals left at 2 pm GMT (4 pm local time).
When the 300 foreign nationals arrived at about 7.35 GMT an armoured personnel carrier and a jeep with six soldiers, which were waiting at the checkpoint, drove off. The foreign nationals linked arms and lined both sides of the road past the checkpoint. Britons sat across a side road that leads to an army compound, thus preventing further army vehicles from entering the area. Tear gas was fired at them on two occasions but they knocked it away and the jeep that tried to get through was stopped. The fifty Palestinians who were to be escorted through the checkpoint were able to walk past the checkpoint that previously has been guarded by tanks [2]. The students carried banners and were joined by many other Palestinians whooping with joy. Two Palestinian cement mixers pushed concrete blocks out the road.
Kunlie Ibun, a resident of Bristol amongst the 300 Internationals said
“We succeed in getting the students to the University, but it shouldn't take the presence of 300 foreign nationals and the worlds media to allow the Palestinians to exercise their right to an education. The Israeli occupation is denying the Palestinian people their human rights."
CONTACT: Media liaison in Israel (mobile): 00 972 567 046 39
Media Liaison in UK, Andrew Wood: 07973 953 446
Editors Notes
The International Solidarity Movement calls on Israel to implement UN resolutions and abide by international law.
[1] About 50 Britons, 200 Italians and 150 French are took part in the demonstration. The Britons include residents of London, Oxford, Bristol and Manchester. They have been undertaking non-violent action in the Occupied Territories for the past 10 days and will return home early new year. They have removed army roadblocks, sat in front of tanks and met with Yasser Arafat. They’ve been forcefully removed by Israeli soldiers and at times warning shots have been fired. At one point Israeli settlers attacked them. One of them has received hospital treatment for injuries. The Britons have undertaken non-violence training.
[2] On Thursday 27 December a march of 1000 people from Ramallah ended with 300 people confronting the tanks at the checkpoint. Tear gas and warning shots were fired. There were tear gas injuries and two people were taken to hospital. It was supposedly the first day of a new term.
Andrew Wood
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