List of what's in the Hackney Budget stategy
Ivan Agenda | 19.12.2001 17:58
£k £k £k
Paddling Pools - close 14 14 14
Animal Enclosure Clissold Park 33 33 33
Bowling Greens - close 32 32 32
Close Springfield Conservatory 28 28 28
Reduction in contingency 36 76 116
Reduce Grounds Maint service 229 229 229
Director's restructuring 54 254 500
Reduce Voluntary sector grants 500 500 500
TOTAL 926 1,166 1,452
CORP INFRASTRUCTURE SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
Remove set up budget for TLC 306 306 306
Discontinue edu/schools
courier service 80 80 80
Saving on Comatec clean contract 50 50 50
Mobile phone contract 30 30 30
Remove budget for redund costs 205 205 205
Delete Office Services Man post 17 28 28
End-of-lease rental savings 62 130 130
Delete one post in Voice section 27 27 27
TOTAL 777 856 856
EDUCATION SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
Kench Hill - eliminate subsidy 38 65 65
HQ Dept savings - hold vacancies,
SIS contract, reduce man costs. 175 175 175
Home Tuition - cut staff
from 4 to 2 40 80 80
Clothing etc awards - one
clothing award at 11, no
non-statutory travel awards,
no discretion on adult awards 250 250 250
Play Service – close one play
sites, reduce after school
clubs and holiday provision 73 75 75
Early Years – close Springfield
one o'clock club, reduced
extended care places at 2 schools,
no funding for Hackney Playbus
or London Gypsy Traveller Unit 23 105 105
Council Nurseries - close
1 nursery and reduce costs at
Mapledene 209 300 300
Community Nurseries -
13% reduction in grant 173 250 250
TOTAL 981 1,300 1,300
£k £k £k
Advertising - further JC Decaux
contract; possible Bay Media
contract 0 0 50
Noise Services - lose 6 posts;
no out of hours; only where more
than one complainant; reduce
legal action, seizures and
default works 300 300 300
Property and Valuation -
reduced NNDR, insurance
and security 0 0 100
Parking and Transportation -
more CPZ's, increase residents
and on street charges, improve
admin, London Bus Initiative,
Highways insurance 800 1,400 2,650
Waste Tender - remove once
off costs 0 100 100
Waste Management – retender
contract 0 2,500 4,000
TOTAL 1,100 4,300 7,200
FINANCE & PERFORMANCE SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
Revenues and Benefits -
eliminate backlog team 500 500 500
Financial Management -
short term niche outsourcing
and improved efficiency 500 500 500
TOTAL 1,000 1,000 1,000
HOUSING GENERAL FUND SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
Sheltered Housing Transfer -
remove once-off costs 212 212 212
Community Alarm Service -
costs transfer as above 39 39 39
Housing Needs IT - automation
and reduced staff costs 100 100 100
Malpas Road Hostel -
surplus generated 80 298 298
GF/HRA split - reapportionment
of central overheads 48 48 48
Salaries - remove 5 vacant posts 108 116 116
Salaries-delete further 17 posts 305 305 305
Bed and Breakfast - improved
collection rate and fewer
large families 825 825 825
Bed and Breakfast - further,
unconfirmed 479
ET provision - remove 50 50 50
Asylum seekers - recharge central
overheads 58 58 58
TOTAL 1,825 2,051 2,530
HUMAN RESOURCES SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
Trade Unions facility agreement
- review 65 65 65
Occupational Health Service -
close Hillman Street and relocate 8 8 8
Contract - reduce level of service 73 73 73
Eliminate part of current year
overspend 128 128 128
Restructure division 238 290 257
Payroll costs - reduction 174 169 247
Florfield Road - closure 11 11 11
IRU Equalities - cash limit Focus
EAP spend 70 70 70
TOTAL 767 814 859
LAW AND PROBITY SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
E-Production of Committee reports 65 80 80
Reduce staffing costs by vacancy
management 120 120 120
Tender externally procured legal
work 75 225 300
Delete provision for elections 75 75
TOTAL 260 500 575
POLICY & COMMUN SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
Salaries and other staffing costs 493 493 493
Operational budgets 30 30 30
Corporate Consultation Initiatives 60 60 60
Policy and BV commissioning 80 80 80
Regeneration commissioning 394 394 394
Web / E Govt commissioning 12 12 12
Hackney Today 17 17 17
Other publicity 33 33 33
Increased income from filming
in the borough 15 15 15
TOTAL 1,134 1,134 1,134
SOCIAL SERVICES SAVINGS 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05
£k £k £k
Community Care
Reduce Care Management costs 200 200 200
Home care visit reduced to
half hour 88 125 125
Tighten eligibility 300 300 300
Cease paying telephone rentals 128 128 128
Transfer to THB 335 785 785
7 Marcon Place 75 150 150
Increase charges 200 200 200
Reduction in bus passes 57 57 57
Further tighten eligibility 30 30 30
MoW efficiency saving 30 30 30
Review voluntary sector contracts 75 100 100
Children and Families
Rationalise disabilities team 50 50 50
Increase contribution from
Health / Education 50 50 50
Tighten eligibility 50 50 50
Block contract for home care 30 30 30
Introduce charges 20 20 20
Taxi use savings 100 100 100
Reduce section 17 50 50 50
Cut half post in Donald Winnicot 16 16 16
Reprovide Albion grove 0 50 200
Relocate Downham Road duty &
assessment 50 100 100
Reduction in voluntary sector
contracts 50 60 60
Social Services Depart
Running costs efficiencies 150 225 225
Management savings 43 43 43
Legal costs - reduce central SLA 250 250 250
Legal costs - reduce
disbursements 120 120 120
Increased vacancy factor 750 750 750
Transfer to THB - Frail
Elders units 810 810 810
Reduce by 2 admin posts 50 50 50
Reprofile ESCR procurement 108 258 158
TOTAL 4,235 5,157 5,207
Ivan Agenda