Fools' World Order
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 12.12.2001 15:09
Although they started messing with my articles a long time before September 11, 2001; the Troopers will probably contend that messing with my articles is a matter of national security. Nevermind if providing for the physical well-being of the President and countfeiting are the only areas of their jurisdiction; these Troopers think that they are God on earth! The only national security that they are probably concerned with is that of the bogus state of Israel in the Middle East; but they will never tell you that. They will even contend that the sick and twisted Bush Daddy and his "boy" "Nicky" are people whose professed honor they have to protect even if those two have been murdering people by the 1,000s. Although their "Folly Is Plain to Everyone" Id=48513; they all behave like the "Morons America Style" Id=46750 at graduation, slapping each other on the back and telling each other that they are somebody because they were told that they were somebody; and "No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It" Id=41739. Bush Daddy claims that these Troopers won't tolerate any of their ranks being physically impaired; thus they just eliminate those that need medical attention. He contends that the stealth aircraft were contaminated when they were broadcasting Anthrax on the populace (Id=82672) and that they have been getting rid of the pilots who get sick from it. He says that the same thing happens when they get shot or anything like that also. There really is some secrecy involved here I guess. Since they probably didn't read "Foolproof Plans of the Storm Troopers of America and Their Supreme "Narky"" Id=26851 or "Storm Troopers of America and Their New World Order" Id=27490; it is very likely that many foreign nations have been photographing them dealing narcotics and parraffin by the ton throughout the world. In light of this, these nations are probably prepared to put them under "house arrest" so that their residences or offices can serve as the Judean Embassies of "Israel, A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken" Id=93509. These Embassies will be some of the most incredible sites on earth as these Troopers and other supporters who adhere to the chemicalmonging covenant with death of the Nicolaitans continue their revolt of Jacob in opposing those members of Bush Daddy's Tribe who elect to proclaim the majesty of Israel, the holy nation by following the Path That Leads To Life (Is. 28:15; Rev. 2:6, 15; 1 Peter 2:9) that they obtained in Hooterville (Id=102423). Many nations will support Israel, the Holy Nation in that day (Zech. 2:11). Many will probably also oppose the Holy Nation and be cursed for doing so. They will have no rain in fulfillment of a curse that will devour those nations (Is. 24:6). This is the Fool's World Order, for these lawless ones have embraced lies and the worst fulfillment of prophecy for the chance to say that they were somebody for opposing innocent people who were not opposing them (James 5:6). The foolproof plans of the Storm Troopers and Bush Daddy's Tribe will surely succeed in that they will succeed in getting rid of the people who have "problems" (Is. 34:3) and the fool shall be called noble no more (Is. 32:5).
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger