IRISH e-action for West Papua launched
R | 10.12.2001 12:42
as you've probably heard, West Papua is in Crisis
(for those who don't know about West Papua - it is a tropical country occupied by the Indonesian military who have killed over 100,000, allowed mining companies to destroy the environment, banned native language and songs.....a sad history similar to East Timor.)
In the last month the military assassinated the peaceful and moderate leader ('Theys Eluay') of the independence movement. This followed relevations from former UN top officials that they (the UN) shamefully presided over a botched vote which permitted the world to watch over invasions and masscares.
THERE HAS BEEN NO OFFICIAL IRISH GOVT. RESPONSE to these revelations - not even a call for an investigation into Theys' (an elected official) murder. (They have been sent info about this)
We are calling on Irish TDs, Senators and MEPs to issues statements and administer pressure on the Government, the EU and the Indonesians. HELP US - Visit the link below for details on a electronic action (will only take 5 mins) that we are
"Please forward to friends, family, contacts etc"
Thanks in advance,
Ruairi - West Papua Support