An Anarchist FAQ updated
Anarcho | 07.12.2001 11:41
"An Anarchist FAQ" webpage has been updated. It can be found at:
An Anarchist FAQ is an in depth introduction to anarchist ideas, ideals
and history. Find out why anarchism is opposed to hierarchy, state and
capitalism. Find out what different types of anarchism there is and why it
is also called libertarian socialism. Find out why anarchists oppose the
present system and what they aim to replace it with.
It has been updated on December 7th to mark the start of a
general uprising in Moscow against Tzarism. Over 150,000
workers take part in a General Strike. By the 9th, workers
erect barricades throughout the city and fight against the
soldiers. It is defeated 23 days latter.
In addition, visit the updated FAQ links page with over 750 links to
anarchist webpages, organisations, papers, magazine, books, publishers
and so on as well as many non-anarchist but related sites of interest.
This can be found at:
The best one-stop place to discover the anarchist community on line.
yours in solidarity
So Whats New in the FAQ? -- version 9.4
Section H.2
New section on how Marxists have distorted
anarchist ideas. Includes rebutals of many
common Marxist assertions about anarchism,
indicating how these asserions distort actual
anarchist ideas on the subjects as well as
what the real anarchist position is.
Section I.3
Section I.4
Section I.5
Section I.8
Marxists and Spanish Anarchism
Reply to errors and distortions in the SWP's "Marxism
and Anarchism"
Reply to errors and distortions in John Fisher's "Why
we must further Marxism and not Anarchism"
Minor updates of these sections and appendices to make
the quotes Peirats' _CNT in the Spanish Revolution_ and
Christies' _We, the Anarchists!_ consistent with the newly
published book versions.
An Anarchist FAQ