What're You Doing There!!!
Bob | 03.12.2001 17:40
by Bob 8:50pm Sun Dec 2 '01
address: nn phone: na na
I write up the end of history. It affects every single person on
earth. You all been bothering my gun. Straighten up over
This post is for the education of the interlopers who have been removing my articles
from selected sites like UK, Sweden, Houston, Atlanta, Maine, Buffalo, Hamilton,
Chicago, Urbana-Champaign, Arizona, and Seattle. This Introduction along with the
Post Postscript to "Suicide America-style" will also be posted on sites where I am
unable to get comments posted. Unless a site has security measures in place that
allow for the immediate posting of comments, my comments never get posted. Now
what is the connection to "happiness is a warm gun"?
All you illiterate illegitimate censors have been bothering my gun! Do you hear?
Whether my gun is a woman that I used to love, the 20 gauges that I used to own, or
the five-shot .22 that I used to own; I'm sure that you are bothering all of them. Is that
a threat? No it is a test! Now you wanna kiss my gun and make up? Don't you? No?
Would you prefer to mouth the barrel? Don't you wanna make my gun warm? Come
on! At least lick the eyesight? You can do it! It won't hurt!
Is that a joke? Only to you probably! Only if you are doing it to someone else. You all
claimed that you couldn't understand a word that I write when I write very plan
english. It's not like I have spoken to you in parables or anything like that. None of
you could refute a word that I have written, so you have elected to lawlessly exercise
your professed intelligence and authority to keep people from learning about the
concealed deeds of darkness that you cherish so much. Although it may have
ended much sooner, history officially ended when I set off the Persian Gulf War and
brought those soldiers home with nary a casualty (Id=36001). I am here to make
known what will take place because man will no longer determine his own destiny.
The events that I write of affect every single person on earth. It has all been written
out. Whether or not you believe it, that is not my problem. If you oppose it or try to
change it, you are opposing God Himself. You become part of the "revolt of Jacob".
Don't you think that people can access this on different sites? You are fooling
yourself to think that you have accomplished something by removing these words.
Let it be! And let the comments flow freely. There is no such thing as the alleged
computer space that is supposedly being wasted.
Suicide" America-style
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 9:54am Wed Nov 28 '01
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca, NY 14851
"Faster and faster the engine flew! Wilder and wilder the country grew!"
My Daddy said that it seems like America has committed suicide as a result of
listening to the professed intelligence of brain-damaged coprophagists. Who is not
grieved over the ruin of Joseph (Amos 6:6)? Who is not grieved that the apparent
double-murder of Joseph Linder and Janet Breslin has been "swept under the rug"
as a murder-suicide (Id=93606)? It seems like it wouldn't make a bit of difference if
that was Jimmy Breslin's daughter. As with the 27 people on hand for the
butchering of Sarah and Jennifer in Cortland County in October 1996 (Id=93509),
Bush Daddy's presence at this murder-suicide is not a factor according to him, for
"No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It!" Id=41739, he didn't do anything, and
nobody can prove anything. "Hitler never touch anyone either!" In an age when
Anthrax can be broadcasted on the population like clockwork (Id=82672) and
defective skyscrapers can substitute as "gas chambers" (Id=87001); the forsenic
pathologist has become a nonentity in the dumbed-down America that produces
illiterate doctors (Id=62371) and specializes in "educating" fools (Id=79546). This is
the culmination of Bush Daddy's reign as the lawless Jacob (Mic. 1:5); i.e. the
uncrowned king of "Babylon on the Potomac" (Isaiah 14:4-23). Along with the help
of Messiah Exarchou (Id=41739) and his Storm Troopers, this "revolt of Jacob" has
fostered a depraved indifference to human life that has made manifest a
"Concealed Holocaust" (Id=35206) unlike anything before in history, for the evil
ones are portrayed as sweet caring people; and fools are called noble (Is. 32:5).
From the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion to the bogus Israel in the Middle East and the current fabricated war to glorify
Bush Daddy's illiterate kid; they have all been renegades, supporting the "revolt of
Jacob". I believe that you would find that a lot of the supporters of this perverted
form of Zionism would not identify themselves as Jews. God knows why there are
so many Turko-Mongols who call themselves Jews. The formation of Israel was a
prophesized happening, and Ezekiel revealed that they were all destined to fall by
the "sword" (Ez. 39:23; Hos. 7:16). As I made clear in "Persian Gulf War
Delusions.." Id=36001, Bush Daddy and Saddam Hussein were the "goat" and
"ram" of the eighth Chapter of Daniel. Bush Daddy is destined to be made to
"stand up on two feet like a man"(Dan. 7:4) as the Great Dead King of Israel
(Hosea 10:3,15); i.e. the "abomination that causes desolation" (Dan. 12:11). God
says, "do not weep for the dead king" (Jer. 22:10). We won't! We won't even tell
anybody that he is dead! As for the rest of the tribe, it is written that their bodies will
be thrown out and send up a stench (normal?) (Is. 34:3). After all, the ongoing
mantra of Bush Daddy and all his renegades is that they are "not going to die", for
that is their "covenant with death" (Is. 28:15), which is based on their continuing
their chemicalmonging practices of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:6,15). This abomination
is probably the one with the "great mouth" that Daniel marveled at in Dan. 7:20.
God is gathering all of these renegades, for they have all set traps for their own
lives by embracing the utter falsehoods of Bush Daddy's tribe (Mic. 2:12; Prov.
1:18). Bush Daddy claims that his reign began when he used a
computer-modulated voice to play the role of "Deep Throat", who brought about the
impeachment of Richard Nixon. BD trys to talk like Nixon was talking on those
tapes too, for he thinks that tough profane talk makes him a "man".
Bush Daddy claims that someone down south has seized on the "murder-suicide"
scenario that I addressed in "Ithaca's Coal-Gas Fiasco Continued!!" Id=93606 and
taken it to new heights. You all know how sometimes a suicide is confirmed on the
basis of a note that is left; but they will never reveal what was in the note. Well Bush
Daddy claims that someone has done away with leaving the gun by an open door to
convince authorities that a suicide has occurred. Something like this allegedly
happened. A "friend" showed up to visit "x" and said that he needed to type
something on "x's computer and proceeded to type: "To Whom It May Concern: I
came to visit "x" and found the door open and this gun on the floor. I took the gun
because it looks like "x" hurt himself with it. I'm taking off because I know you're all
lawless as hell. Better check up on "x"; looks like he hurt himself bad! Of course you
all know he was as suicidal as hell. Best wishes, An "x" friend" Can you imagine the
discourse between "x" and "friend"? "Let me see what you typed there!" "If you
insist, I'm really going to let you have it!" This is probably why suicide notes are
never made public. How many "friends" you got?
Once these lawless renegades embraced such a degree of lawlessness, they set a
trap for their own lives. In addition to their own tongues being turned against each
other (Ps. 64:8), they will also have to contend with Israelites who have taken up the
"sword", never to put it down (Mt. 26:52), knowing that they will die by the "sword"
and that they will be back here in a few years for the first resurrection (Rev. 20:5).
These lawless renegades have brought the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 back
on their own heads in more ways than one. In their ploy to become the meek ones
who would inherit the earth by saying, "I care!", the renegades never considered
that it wouldn't work if their folly was obvious to everyone. Better not tell them what's
up just in case though. So goes life on this "hellbound train".
To access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and
press "Enter".
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
PS As for gathering the lawless interlopers off IMC, last weekends shut-down was
probably such an opportunity. It looked like professed persecuted people were
trying to accuse IMC of discrimination while the complainers were the ones posting
the discriminatory stuff. IMCs new guidelines probably make it possible to obtain
the names, etc. of such interlopers for posting such stuff, yet IMC was shut down
while they dickered about it. False accusations and falsehoods are also probably
ripe grounds from exposing troublemakers, so maybe others will take care of them.
Meanwhile Ohio Valley IMC is still inaccessible to me. What is happening there?
PPS (11/30) One way that you might prove that Bush Daddy's tribe is crazy and/or
suicidal is to film their behavior and antics while you play them one of my songs
(Ids=58354, 36001, or 31749 com. #2) or my poem (Id=71046) and inform them of
who wrote them while they are playing. They are quite fanatical about their
agreement to never listen to my words; thus they will probably try to "bury their
heads in the sand". Now I don't know if this "suicide" business is legal; but this
"Karl" of Madison has taken to calling a warning, a threat in the same way that
Messiah Exarchou Id=62371 did with me in court. It has been the same in Seattle
lately with commentors acting like Hooterville (Id=29190) is some lawless
fabrication of mine. These are the festivals written of by Micah, Hosea, Amos, etc..
Contrary to the
lawlessness of Bush Daddy's renegades that they claim "No Body Is Going
to Do Nothing About" Id=41739; these festivals will be legal for they will be places
of worship where the lawless ones will use their chemicalmonging ways to practice
voodoo etc.. Their defense of boldface lies will gain them entrance to Hooterville
where they will probably be greeted by "Manasseh" or "Benjamin", who will say,
"Nice of you all to come and worship!"
The "Bogus Blue Moon..." Id=87001 took on a sinister note yesterday when they
dumped enough oil on the steepest sharpest curve in Ithaca to cause me to wipe
out on my bicycle. This was similar to the staged "accident" that put me in the
Emergency Room of Georgetown Medical Center where they broke my fractured
knee to get me into the operating room (Ids=42982 & 43171). In bike races this is
the most likely spill to break bones, for the centrifugal force of the curve and the
downward slope of the hill results in the body hitting the pavement with extreme
force, force enough to rub the skin off the point of impact without tearing the clothes.
The most commonly broken bones are probably the knee, the hip, the wrist, or the
collarbone. I was up and back on the bike in three seconds; but that is what survival
is about. You don't wait for them to take you to the hospital if you know what is in
store for you there. Luckily I came out of it with a sore hip, knee, and shoulder only.
Today I noticed that they had wiped up the oil with something that dissolved a two
square foot section of the asphalt. It's enough to make me want to raze those
houses and straighten that road. An immaculate "driveway" to Erza Cornell's
"house" on the hill would come of that. So this bogus full moon of November is still
on with the New York Times claiming that the moon will be full at 3:49 PM, having
subtracted five hours instead of adding five hours to "Universal Time" as they
usually do. Subtracting five hours from Universal Time will probably give them the
time for Moscow. If this keeps up, it should probably triple the number of blue
moons, for they are reserving the right to add or subtract 10 hours from the moon
Bush Daddy's tribe has been out in force on IMC, tampering with this article to jump
in "line". UC IMC is as persistant as ever in supporting their false allegations and
falsehoods about me. Maine, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, and Buffalo are also using
the lax security that allows interlopers to remove this article even if it is reposted.
Nobody can prove their criminality; but they should not be allowed to retain their
anonymity if they won't try to validate their actions. This lawlessness is probably a
direct manifestation of the Storm Troopers; i.e. Secret Service. They have also
gone about attempting to get rid of Congo IMC since I posted the news about the
Anthrax-AIDS connection there. Note how these sweet people from UC IMC show
up to offer "help". This blooming lawlessness never stops.
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