Newsweek: Hail to the Chief
zapped fruit bat | 01.12.2001 09:20
lower than dead moth. It's like a fairy tale, what makes it worse is that, if he is a jerk what does that make the rest of us ?? He has a free hand to do what ever he likes with our world our future our lives, it's beam me up time ..
Media analysis, critiques and news reports
Newsweek: Hail to the Chief
November 30, 2001
If there's a propaganda hall of fame, Newsweek has surely earned a place in it with its interview with George W. and Laura Bush (12/3/01).
Written by Newsweek senior editor Howard Fineman and White House correspondent Martha Brant, the profile of the Bushes focuses relentlessly positive attention on the "First Couple's" emotional responses to the September 11 attacks. New details about atrocities by U.S.-backed forces in
Afghanistan are emerging daily, but the central question in the Newsweek exclusive was: "From where does George W. Bush-- or Laura, for that matter-- draw the strength for this grand mission, the ambitious aim of which is nothing less than to 'rid the world of evildoers'?"
Faith, prayer, and love of family are the article's main themes, with almost no space devoted to political questions. "The First Team has been exemplary in the eyes of the American people," declared Newsweek. Bush "has been a
model of unblinking, eyes-on-the-prize decisiveness. His basic military strategy... has proved astute. He has been eloquent in public, commanding in private. He had survived the first blows, made the right calls and exceeded
expectations-- again."
Bush isn't just a man of the mind, though. "Another source of strength," noted the magazine, "is physical conditioning." According to Newsweek, Bush "is in the best shape of his life, a fighting machine who has dropped 15 pounds and cut his time in the mile to seven minutes.... He feels destined
to win-- and to serve."
The magazine was also thorough in addressing-- and dismissing-- facts about Bush that might be perceived as flaws. The president doesn't read many books, Newsweek explained, because "he's busy making history, but doesn't
look back at his own, or the world's.... Bush would rather look forward than backward. It's the way he's built."
The toughest questions were philosophical. "Do you think that Saddam Hussein
is evil and that we should expand this to Iraq?," asked Newsweek. Noting that Bush answered without using the word evil, the magazine followed up with, "Why wouldn't you say he's evil then?", to which Bush replied simply:
"He ain't good." Showing a diligence unmatched elsewhere in the interview, the reporters asked once again why he stopped short of using the word. A beleaguered Bush gave in, saying, "maybe because you're trying to force me to say it, and I'm stubborn.... He is evil. Saddam's evil."
Newsweek says that the White House spin machine had nothing to do with their portrayal of Bush. In this interview, wrote Newsweek, "there were few mangled sentences. The handlers at the table were listening, not handling."
Maybe that's because Newsweek was doing their job for them.
In times of war and crisis, it is doubly important that media aggressively seek truth and report it to the public. For a major newsweekly to turn an exclusive interview with the president into a puff piece would be disappointing under any circumstances, but it is particularly so at a time
when the U.S. government is taking extreme measures to cloak controversial military and law enforcement actions in secrecy, both at home and abroad.
ACTION: Please ask Newsweek to provide critical and independent coverage of the Bush administration.
Washington Bureau
Phone: (202) 626-2000
Fax: (202) 626-2011
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To read the Newsweek article and interview, see:
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zapped fruit bat