Hackney Unison Branch Secretary under threat
Hackney Unison | 28.11.2001 18:00
In a letter from the head of Human Resources to the Branch Secretary, the employer states that 'your actions amount to inciting staff to reach the Code of Conduct by using Council equipment for non-council business. I have therefore, removed your email facility with immediate effect and have informed the Unison region that I require to meet with you as a matter of urgency to consider if further management action is necessary'
Unison has now lost the access to the email facility, and the branch secretary is facing possible disciplinary action.
Earlier this year one branch official was sacked for not being at work, when he was attending meetings with corporate management. The branch chair and a senior steward were also suspended because of the text on a banner at a lobby which alleged that the council's behavior (in dismissing workers in was 'criminal'.
The cuts
Proposed cuts include; cutting one in every eight teaching posts, closing all play centres, four nurseries, four libraries, closing housing offices and withdrawing all voluntary sector grants; the list goes on and on.
Unison members in Hackney are under the most severe pressure. Management are proposing to cut facility time by two thirds, they have already succeeded in implementing pay cuts through termination of pre-existing contracts and offering workers their jobs back on worse terms and conditions. The council is proposing to remove all facility time from the Branch Equalities Officer (who lead the campaign to get the CRE to serve a non-discrimination notice on the council as a result of their persistent breaches of the Race Relations Act.)
How you can help;
Please fax a letter of protest to Terry McDougall, Head of Core HR on 0208 356
3657 demanding that all threats of disciplinary action against John Page are dropped, and that the employer allows Unison to publicise its legitimate concerns over cuts in jobs and services.
Please copy all faxes to Hackney Unison on 0208 985 6749
Messages of support to our Lobby can also be sent to the above Unison fax
Hackney Unison (Local Government)
Hackney Unison