Bogus Blue Moons of Bush Daddy's Tribe
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 10.11.2001 22:30
There have also been signs that the "Education of Fools..." Id=79546 has brought the professed intelligence of Bush Daddy's tribe into the light in other ways. Have you ever considered that Bush Daddy's kid's name, "Dubya" is how he says, "W"? Although the media portrays Bush Daddy's kid on front page every day as a war hero, they can't seem to get him to wipe that "..#$%& Look.." Id=70672 off his face. Then like the wife of the father, we also have the wife of the son focusing on literacy, probably thinking that no one would suspect that the wife of an illiterate would be an advocate of literacy. Neither one of these guys has ever had to answer to anyone about their professed intelligence or delusions of grandeur. They will abruptly brush off anyone who questions their intelligence, motives, etc.. Lets get both of them before a congregation of Senators, judges, or governors that they can't brush off. Bush Daddy has also been distressed that the non-englishspeaking students of his tribe have been trapped by trying to report incidents of assault or harassment. "Why can't this victim report this himself?" "If he can't speak English, what's he doing at an english-speaking school?" Hopefully the professors are realizing that it is not discrimination to be exposing the lack of intelligence that imposters have falsely claimed to possess. Frankly it was plain as day all along, for if you put a monkey in the middle of Bush Daddy's tribe, the monkey will appear to be Einstein.
On other fronts it becomes plain that the lawless ones are working hard to keep their iniquity afloat too. I have found that Ohio Valley IMC has become completely inaccessible to me here, probably as a result of my referencing a comment by "ML"; "Mocking Loon" of the Midwest that was posted after "Anthrax: An Ancient Scourge" Id=1002. He had posted three links to PGW memorial pages with lists of 300 soldiers who allegedly died in that war. I claim that there were no reported deaths during that war, and wonder if the military acknowledges these as casualties of war. As for my report on Anthrax, Id=82672, it is very likely that every flu season in recent history has been the result of the broadcasting of Anthrax spores. I wonder how the heck a flu shot can target any specific virus unless that virus is also broadcasted with the Anthrax. In respect to the extermination of AIDS patients with Anthrax, they have probably stopped that and switched to getting rid of them with medications. I bet that the area of medical research on AIDS has become about as disconcerted as that of the psychotropic medications of psychiatry (Id=29650). I have found censorship of my articles popping up on sites like Russia, Hamilton and Adelaide that have formerly listed them on front page for extended periods. On Madison IMC I have found that the interlopers have rejected the blanket censorship employed in places like Chicago, Urbana-Champaign, Atlanta, and UK in favor of trying to create chaos then blame the chaos on me. They would remove my articles from the listings, then they would claim that they were listed when I reposted them. A universal problem with IMC seems to be the posting of comments. It seems like a comment never gets posted unless it is posted twice or a second comment is posted immediately after the first. Otherwise the comments are apparently deleted from the wire after a specific period of time. Note the following account of what happened to one of my critical IMC postings last summer.
Yesterday I reposted "Report on Lawlessness" Id=85389 after I determined that interlopers had mangled the only surviving copy of it on This article was originally posted at Id=55818 and stolen from there. Then I succeeded in getting it posted under the title, "Total Chaos" at Id=55844; but I discover that they had deleted several hundred words from that posting, especially critical information related to the asbestoes scenario. I was attempting to determine the location of this information because there was asbestoes work being done on campus at the building where they apparently "rubbed out" a woman who was trying to get them to address the intentional contamination of the building (Id=80050). This highly-respected woman was apparently a recently retired 30 year employee of the dean's office, temporarily rehired because of the number of people getting sick from the air in the building. I explained to her in late summer that the building had probably been intentionally contaminated by Secret Service at graduation (see "Messiahs in the Making" Id=43985). I also explained the symptoms of asbestoes exposure Ids=58159 & 60292 and what needed to be done. While I was talking to her, there were janitors in the offices vacuuming up a storm too, for part of their "Moronic Asbestoes Modus" Id=59038 was to open the windows while vacuuming; and that would be the end of the problem. Now there are cards and notices on the wall thanking the janitors for trying to clean something up that couldn't be cleaned up and for ruining their health for trying. This is a heavily contaminated building, for that SS agent probably dumped ten pounds of the most toxic form of asbestoes that there is in that building. Since SS probably used Janet Reno's presence on campus as their justification for being there, this must be SS's idea of protection. In light of the lack of response to my fifteen complaints addressing total lawlessness to the Justice Dept. and two letters to her; why don't they just buy her a diaphragm for protection? At the pool ignorance about asbestoes continues to prevail, especially due to the theft of "Report on Lawlessness". Although I explained to them that these fibers can be detected by the unaided eye, they apparently never checked it out. All they had to do was put a sheet over the intake for the exhaust vent for a few minutes, then take it and shake it close to a bright light with a dark background. You can see the barbed twisted characteristics of these more hazardous fibers while brake dust fibers would appear predominantly short and straight. People who are exercising are inhaling this stuff right into their lungs via their mouths. If these fibers become lodged in the lungs, they become a source of irritation, inflamation, and eventually calcification. Once any portion of the lung becomes calcified, it can never function again. These people just cannot understand the long term consequences of inhaling asbestoes fibers at any point in life. The lies of lawlessness have people believing the professed intelligence of very stupid people.
In respect to the lawless ones doing "...Something! Quick!" Id=62855 about urban renewal and the crumbling World Trade Center Towers, there is a sculpture, featuring the beams of that building that is due to tour the country soon. Consider that those towers had to be the flimsiest structures to ever reach such heights; and they probably should have collapsed before they were finished. The towers were most likely due to be condemned; but the lawless ones preferred to fabricate a tragedy out of it in order to collect on the insurance.
Since long before I wrote "Dead Men Laughing" in June 1998, Bush Daddy's tribe has been well-aware that they were "dead men laughing" because they had gotten "in line for their own deaths" (Prov. 11:19). They apparently devote themselves full-time to duping people into doing Bush Daddy's bidding and ushering the ignorant ones in "line" with them. This bogus "blue moon" is but another of many foolish lies that this lawless tribe has foisted on the public as irrefutable truth. Irrefutable lies that help usher more in "line". Although it may be tempting to confirm Bush Daddy's contention that SS can be shot on sight or site for using their stealth aircraft to dump Anthrax on the population everywhere (stolen comment: Id=82672); we should probably keep in mind that God says that those in "line" are supposed to seek death and not find it (Jer. 8:3). On the other hand it might be worth seeing who shows up to claim the bodies. Oh well! In spite of everything and anything, I say that December will probably be a better month because our military will probably take at least until Christmas to discover that throughout this whole thing the bin Laden dude has been over in that holy city by that whitewashed wall (Ids=62855 & 64528).
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger