Reason Prevails Over Left Wing Illogic
Theron Sawatsky | 03.11.2001 02:01
Like many Americans, I was initially angered and upset over the bombing campaign in Afghanistan and was prompted to join the anti-war movement. Earlier today, I went to the campus of Miskatonic University here in Arkham expecting to be inundated with all sorts of leftish/hate-America first propaganda. Instead, I found the articualte and extremely liberal student body firmly behind the President.
Here are a few actual quotes from student organizers;
Ashleigh, 19, an animal-rights activist told me: "I was questioning whether these bombings would kill innocent animals belonging to the Taliban but, when I learned that not only have whales been hunted to extinction in Taliban controlled areas but that baby seals are routinely slaughtered by the Taliban, I realized that America was doing the right thing. I'm behind the President on this one. Islam is a religion of meat-eaters; it must be stopped."
Howard Philipps, president of the Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgendered Alliance at Miskatonic was equally clear:
"The Taliban don't allow Gay and Lesbian Afghanis serve in their military. They need a good lesson from the West as to the difference between civilization and barbarism."
Rachael Loewen, 21, explained her feelings:
"As a Jew, I know what it means for one religion to persecute another. Any country that drives out and persecutes members of religious groups not in the government should be destroyed."
Toure Neblett, 22, a member of the Miskatonic African Students Organization, said:
"You don't see any black Taliban leaders, do you? The black African people of Afghanistan have been repressed by these guys. I think it's clear; these racist Taliban need to be taught a thing or two."
Jill Sadowsky, an organizer for the Gore Campaign on campus was clear on her feelings; "Look, the Taliban came to power not by winning an election; they are totally undemocratic. I hate to say it but I'm with Bush on this one."
Leisa Briggs, a Women's studies major, told me: "The Taliban are nothing like us; they are sexist, chauvinist pigs. I would like to go over there personally and, once the fighting has stopped, help Afghan womyn realize their identities. We should be clear; the veil and head coverings are repressive techniques of a dominant patriarchal culture. American women can go show our sisters how to transcend their oppression and dump this hate-filled sexist islm in the garbage where it belongs."
As I listened to their voices, I realized that these young people were right. The Taliban are evil and we need tto destroy them root and branch. The only good oppressor is a dead oppressor, my daddy used to say. We should be working to support this campaign against oppression, not tearing it down.
Theron Sawatsky
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