Stop the War! Invest in Caring not Killing!
Wages for Housework Campaign | 29.10.2001 18:42
All welcome - come and say why you oppose the war. Globally, $800 is spent annually on military budgets, while only $80bn would provide the essentials of life for everyone. We demand that military budgets be redirected to women and therefore to the community - invest in caring not killing.
Organised by International Wages for Housework Campaign
Opposite Downing St, Whitehall SW1, London, England
Tube: Westminster/Charing Cross
5-6.15pm (every Tuesday)
Global Women's Strike
Women all over the world oppose the bombing of Afghanistan started on October 7, 2001. We refuse the propaganda that this military slaughter is a sane response to the loss of life of people from many countries in the attacks in New York and Washington DC on September 11.
We don't want bombs dropped on a country where 7 million people already face starvation, 60% of them women and children. Neither can we ignore that every day 35,000 children in the world die from starvation without a mention on CNN.
Women are the life-givers, the first care-givers from breastfeeding and subsistence farming which feeds most of the world, to cleaning, nursing, teaching. Must mothers watch the slaughter of children in whom we have invested our lives or their use as canon fodder for the military? In peace and war, women are the ones whose work maintains community and life itself. We are with the mothers and wives of those who dies on Sept 11, who have said, "Not in my child's/spouse's name!"
While $80 billion would provide the basic needs of everyone in the world, the US has already committed $40 billion to cruise missiles and bombs in Aghanistan and wherever else they intend to kill and maim. This is on top of over $800 billion yearly invested in military budgets world-wide to ensure the world's submission to globalization and the multinationals that run it. We will all pay, either as targets or being deprived of our basic rights and needs, for "America's new war". In opposing war and military budgets we are defending the whole world against genocide, starvation and slave working conditions.
Women the carers have been central to every anti-war movement. Now we demand an immediate end to the destruction of life in Afghanistan. We demand that the resources being lavished on killing be invested instead in life and caring. We call on all justice movements to stand with carers against war.
** Women and children are the majority of those killed and wounded in armed conflicts world-wide and 80% of refugees
** While essential public services such sa water and other utilities, transport, health care and housing are privatised, everyehere, military budgets are being protected and increased.
** Nearly 40% of the US army are people of colour who are expected to maim and kill other people of colour.
Since March 8, 2000, women in over 60 countries have joined the Global Women's Strike to demand an end to military budgets and a millenium that values all women's work, all our lives and the planet. Oppose the war! Invest in caring, not killing! Help us prepare for a bigger 3rd Global Women's Strike in 2002.
Wages for Housework Campaign